Year 6 | Where We Are in Place and Time Incursion – Guest Speaker

Year 6 | Where We Are in Place and Time Incursion – Guest Speaker

On Wednesday, 12 May 2021, Mrs Roberts came to the Junior School Library to teach all of Year 6 about migration. The discussion lasted around 45 minutes and was very informative and taught us a lot about how migration works.

Mrs Roberts spoke about how she needed to leave Vietnam for Australia in 1975 due to all the ongoing wars, and how it was quite difficult at first to land in a brand new country, having to adjust to all the new cultural values. Since she didn’t have a good education, Mrs Roberts struggled at first to learn English and was challenged in school. Over time, Mrs Roberts learnt everything about Australia and began her career as a Buddhist Nun in 2006. I really enjoyed this discussion as it not only taught me and my peers about migration but it made me really appreciate all the opportunities I have such as a safe home and a great education. I would definitely love to listen to Mrs Roberts’ life story again and ask many more questions on what challenges she has faced throughout her life.

Benjamin El-Hayek (Year 6)

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