Sports News | Preparatory School

Sports News | Preparatory School


2nds | Marcus Chiam

Round 7 of Football for the Prep 2nds was held at home ground, Cooke Park. The opponent was Newington Lindfield. Having lost last week’s match against the Scots College, the boys came into this match hungry to win as this was the last game of the term. The first half commenced with Newington scoring the first goal early. Down by one, the Trinity 2nds looked to catch up with Newington in order to gain dominance. However, time did not go our way this half and by the halftime break, Newington led. The first half ended with the score being 1-0, Newington’s way. During the break, the Trinity 2nds recharged and strengthened our desire to win. The second half started with the Trinity 2nds working their way up closer to the goal. With all this effort, we were fortunate enough to score our first goal. Newington looked to fight back but fierce goalkeeper, Carl Hyung, halted their chance to lead and the Trinity Prep 2nds built their way back up again to try and score another goal. With only a few more minutes left to spare, and both teams tied, it seemed that scoring a goal was paramount. Both Trinity and Newington gave it their all to try and be victorious. Luckily for us, Trinity scored the important goal to win, and Newington narrowly missed out. The final score was 2-1 with a win for the Trinity Prep 2nds to conclude a wonderful term of football. Credit to Zachary Hovilai for scoring the two goals that led Trinity to victory. Thank you to the coaches and players who made football possible this term!

11B | Kaden Pandher

It was a chilly morning with all the parents watching us play I [Kaden] was playing as an attacking midfielder. 10 minutes into the game I [Kaden] got a yellow card for a slide tackle on one of Cranbrook’s strikers. Then we considered a goal to make it 1-0 to Cranbrook. 5 minutes later Cranbrook scored another goal to which got slotted into the bottom right corner. We got a throw-in and I [Kaden] threw it to Lex who dribbled down the line and shot but Cranbrook’s goalie saved it. We had let the ball slip and considered a third goal which was played down the left and in the middle of the goal. In the last 5 minutes of the half Lucas Cheng cleared the shot of one of the Cranbrook players. At the start of the first half, Jonah took a shot from far out and it ended up in the goalie’s hands. Later on, Kevin got the ball passed it to Rory and Rory passed to Elijah but we lost the ball near the goal. Late on in the second half one Cranbrook midfielders dribbled down the line passed to the attackers and goal from a tight angle. Trinity 0 – Cranbrook 4.

4A | Alex Constantinou

The 4A boys were excited and ready for the final game of the term. Even though it was really early and really cold in the morning we were still pumped up. Barker started off strong, scoring two early goals. The score could’ve been more had it not been for Jayden the goalkeeper making two really good saves. After a few minutes we started playing more as a team by passing and moving into space like we practised at training which allowed us to get the score up to 2-1. 

When the second half started, we continued playing well, we didn’t give up but were unlucky to have a goal scored against us. With some strong attacking we put pressure on Barker to score a goal and bring the score up again to 3-2. Our attacking started to get better and we had a few shots at goal but were unlucky not to score. With time almost running out, Adam dribbled past a defender on the left-hand side and scored the equalising goal. We finished the game tying 3-3 with Barker. Good teamwork and great game to the 4A boys. We can’t wait for next term!!!

Thank you to the parents for waking up early and taking us in the freezing cold to watch us play.

4C | Matthew Della Torre

For the last game of the season, we played Barker College, and unfortunately, they won 5-0. We tried really hard, but the other team was too strong. We got the ball to Barker’s goalkeeper once but then he kicked it out of the goal pretty hard. Thanks to Ray for great passing and teamwork, Julian for kicking the ball down the field a lot of times and also Aiden as well. He also passed well to teammates. Thank you to Daniel for great passing in a dangerous position and Ethan for some great saves. Thank you, everyone and I hope you enjoyed soccer this term.

4D | Oliver Cardiff 4Ds finally found a formidable opponent. After back to back wins, this week’s game against Barker College proved to be a bit more of a challenge. Down by one goal in the first half, the Green Army finally found the back of the net in the closing minutes of the second half. A powerful kick from Marcus Du towards the goal bounced off the Barker Defender and then rolled off their goalkeeper resulting in an own goal. Huge call out to some superstar players this week. Richard C for booting the ball back up field multiple times, Andy X for sub goalkeeper duty and his header towards goal.Super big call out for Marcus, Isaac and Owen for being our power attacker.

Thank you to our parents for getting us to the game at 7am.

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