Prep | Pre-Kindergarten News

Prep | Pre-Kindergarten News

Mother’s Day Celebration

On Friday the 28th May the Pre-Kindergarten cohort were fortunate enough to host our Mother’s Day Celebration. The students spent the lead up to the event engaging in a number of tasks including decorating recycled jars for vases, handwriting tags and making signs for the various engagements. The boys were thinkers and communicators as they designed a plan for the outdoor Cubby Cafe, including a sign, menus and decorations, all of which were written and decorated by the students. In preparation for our baking experience, the boys read the provocation story, ‘Can We Lick the Spoon Now?’ before brainstorming the items required to make and decorate cupcakes.They also shared their observations of the form and connection of photographs of the teachers and their families, recognising the different family dynamics and predicting the role of each person. The boys had some lovely insights into their mothers, sharing a quote to accompany their painted portraits. 

Riddhim: My mum always plays with me and makes yummy food. She makes chicken nuggets. My mummy plays soccer with her friends. At mummy’s work she plays on her laptop. She drinks apple juice and eats curry with rice.”

George.K: “I love mummy because she loves me. Sometimes she makes mistakes, but it doesn’t matter because I still love her. She loves me and I love her. She loves lasagna. She hugs me and likes making muffins for me.”

Dominic: “I think my mum likes my painting. My mum likes to work in the home and my mum works very hard to do her jobs. Mummy likes to cook. She cooks everything. She is beautiful. She wears beautiful things. I am lucky. I love mummy.”

On the day of the event, the Deckhouse, COLA and Playground became an interactive learning space for the mothers and sons to engage in a variety of experiences. After a beautiful mother son picnic in our outdoor space, the boys performed a song and dance conducted by Mrs Campbell before roaming between the environments. 

The boys were just as excited to invite their mothers into the space and share all their learning and discoveries over the Semester. There were plenty of opportunities to create momentums from the day, including still life drawing, paper flower making and bracelet threading, all of which were student led. It was lovely to see how the boys took initiative and demonstrated their caring nature as they spent the afternoon with their mothers. 

Thank you for joining us for our ‘Celebration of Curious Minds’ this week! We hope you enjoyed the showcase of our inquiry into How the World Works over Term 2. It was lovely to have all our families in the learning space to engage with their son’s learning, and observe the students independently sharing their critical thinking of the scientific experiences. 


  • Over the break, please ensure that all belongings are clearly labelled. Names and labels tend to fade and come off over time, so a quick check to ensure items are labelled would be appreciated.
  • The boys have each received a ‘Holiday Bag’ to fill with 3 to 4 small items from their outings or experiences over the holidays. We look forward to hearing about all the exciting things they get up to in the holidays when they present their items at the beginning of Term 3. 


During STEAM PK we have been exploring rainbows through conducting experiments to develop a rich understanding of our central idea ‘Curiosity helps us to understand the world around us’.

Our first experiment focused on the understanding of absorption. The boys coloured in the bottom of a strip of paper towel and placed it into two cups of water. Through observing their experiments, the boys saw the coloured markers ‘grow’ up the paper towel to create a full rainbow.

“Mine is growing” – Ryan PKS

“It’s all going into the water, look at it” – Jacob PKM

“Look, mine is a full rainbow now.” – Tarek PKS

“The marker is moving.” – Callum PKOP

“My one is mixing colours” – Marcus PKM

“The water got all dirty.” – George PKOP

The next experiment conducted looked at the process of melting. The boys carefully placed ten skittles in a circle on a plate before pouring the water into the centre. Using their observation skills, the boys saw the food colouring melt off the skittles and colour the water to create a rainbow.

“It’s going in the middle.” – Louis PKM

“They are losing their colours, see” Benjamin PKS

“It’s changing.” – James PKOP

“My water is turning orange.” Kayson PKS

“Hey, it’s changing colours, look at my one” – Lawref PKM

“Yum, this is a tasty experiment.” – Adam PKOP

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