Library News | Preparatory School

Library News | Preparatory School

Book Week

Book Week is run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) and is a time for celebrating books and Australian childrens’ authors and illustrators.

Next week we will be celebrating Book Week by dressing up in our favourite Book Week theme. This year will be slightly different as we are at home, so there will be rolling Book Parades throughout the week. This will be a great opportunity for your son to see his friends from other classes as the three classes come together for the Book Parade. Your son should have received a TEAMs invite to his designated Book Parade at the following times:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:30am Kindy Year 1 Year 3 Year 5
9:00am PK Year 2 Year 4 Year 6

If your son has not received this, please reach out to his teacher. We are so excited to see all the wonderful creative costume ideas for this year’s theme.

During Week 4 and 5, there will be fun activities posted to Time For More on Canvas and Seesaw. We encourage all students to take a look with their families. Some activities you can find are:

  • CBCA Shortlist Books
  • CBCA Winners Announced
  • CBCA Choose your own adventure
  • Re-design a book cover
  • PreK-Year 2 Comic Strip Competition
  • Year 3-6 Writing Competition
  • Bookmark Creation
  • LEGO Challenge


Online Resources

We are very aware that the prolonged lockdown makes it difficult for students to change up the books they are reading, which limits their exposure to quality literature. Whilst we do offer an online platform for eBooks for our students, it is not as comprehensive as our physical library. To ensure students (and parents!) can continue to enjoy the books they love, we have come up with a few alternatives. Hopefully some of them will work for you and your family.

  • Trinity Grammar Bolinda site – instructions on how to access can be found here.
  • StoryBox Library – username – PrepSchoolLibrary password – books
  • Audible – free 1-month trial
  • Local library – check online for how to access in your LGA
  • NSW State Library – all residents can sign up here and access

Maggie Hutchings

Maggie is a counsellor, family-dispute mediator, writer and artist who spends her weekends covered in paint and scribbling lists that are never completed. She is a famously mad aunt, nanna and mother who talks to herself out loud and falls over a lot in the garden.

Maggie writes stories with heart and soul for children and adults that encourage kindness, hope and resilience.

Your birthday Was The Best, is a story about an eager cockroach who gate-crashes a birthday party and the funny things that happen to him!

This book has been nominated as one of the CBCA 2021 shortlist books under the category Picture Book of the Year.

Abigail Nel | Inquiry Learning Integrator

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