Music News | Junior School

Music News | Junior School

“I don’t sing because I’m happy; I’m happy because I sing.”

– William James

Remote Music Learning

In K – 2 remote music lessons we have been on a world music tour singing songs in English, Japanese, French, and German. Next week we are off to Korea and China!

We started in Australia with Indigenous songs. We also sang songs from Australian colonial and federation times. Mimo (1Fo) volunteered to record the songs in solfa and time names so boys can more easily learn the musical concepts of duration and pitch.

We are also learning to sing our National Anthem in Eora, the Sydney language of the traditional owners of the land on which Trinity Grammar stands, the language of the Wangal people. When school returns, and it is possible to sing together, we hope to sing the National Anthem in English and Eora in reconciliation and recognition. We used resources published by proud Bundjalung Fella, Clarence Slockee. Mimo learned the National Anthem in Eora and kindly agreed to share it with the Junior School. This is a very helpful resource for us because learning a new song is easiest when sung in the same pitch range.

Mimo is passionate about his music, so we interviewed him for the Newsletter. We started with the question, How does singing and playing music make you feel?

Music makes me happy when I need it and calm if I get overexcited. I sometimes dream about my future when I listen to music which I like.

Do you have a musical goal for 2021?

I would really like to enter City of Sydney Eisteddfod soon. I am also doing my grade 5 piano and violin AMEB exams soon.

Is music important in your family?

Yes, my brother and I love singing and dancing. My dad and uncles love singing. My mum said she used to listen to piano pieces whenever she was driving and cooking while she was pregnant. My little brother has even learned songs in different languages through singing without even having to understand letters.

Mimo (1Fo) showing his brother William the ropes in violin playing

What can you tell us about remote music learning?

I have learned songs from around world like The young boy who wouldn’t do his work from America, Usagi, Zousan and Tsuki in Japanese to celebrate the Olympics, Inanay, and Waltzing Matilda from our own country, In einem klienen Apfel by Mozart in German, and Sur Le Pont D’Avignon in French. My mum introduced a Korean song Arirang which Mr Adams is planning to visit next week along with a short trip to China. My family really enjoyed singing Kookaburra sits in the old gum tree as a round and learning its connection to the Girl Guides movement.

What musical concepts have you revised in remote music?

I have been practising our solfa for pitch and time names for duration. I think it is important to learn about musical concepts because it is easier to understand other countries’ melodies and what they have in common.

What have you learned about the Trinity growth program through music?

I have learned how music can be used in caring and connecting with others and indigenous culture so easily.

What has been your favourite thing about music remote learning?

I loved all music activities. I enjoyed singing even though I had no idea about languages when I learned other country songs. My favourite thing was playing Chrome Music Lab as it has lots of experiments about music.

Mimo diligently practising for his upcoming AMEB piano exam

Thank you for your help with our music resources Mimo! And good luck in the Eisteddfod and for your AMEB exam in October.
If you have any music news to share, please email your Instrumental (individual tuition) teacher so it can be shared in the newsletter.

Instrumental Programme for individual lessons

Online instrumental lessons are available on Microsoft Teams. The Director of Co-Curricular Music (PreK-12), Dr McGregor has communicated with families about the protocols in place for lessons. If you have not received the communication, please contact your Instrumental (individual tuition) teacher.

Hungry For More?

Music Co-curricular Ensemble activities are posted each week in Hungry for More Music in Canvas. Mr Adams will post activities for the Junior School Choir, Mrs Korjenvsky will post activities for the String Orchestras and Mr Mályusz will post activities for the Concert Bands. All students can participate in the Annual Junior School Practice Challenge. Participation in the various activities is entirely voluntary and not a compulsory commitment. Simply visit Canvas and navigate to Hungry for More. If you have any music news to share, please visit this link to let us know.

If you have any further inquiries for music, please contact the Music Department on 9581 6042.

Trevor Adams | Director of Junior School Music

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