From the Head Master

From the Head Master

As the second week of the return to School draws to a conclusion, I find myself very thankful on a number of fronts. I am thankful that our arrangements to operate the School in a COVID-safe way appear to be manageable. I am thankful that there have not been any confirmed cases at our School as classes have resumed. I am thankful that the first week of the Year 12 IB Diploma examinations has gone smoothly. I am thankful for seeing my colleagues face to face for the first time in months. I am thankful that our campuses are populated once again with the life and energy of the boys. It has been a good week!

Of course, there was no surprise when, on the first day that most students returned, the Premier and Education Minister made an announcement about another shift to the health guidelines with reference to schools. During much of this week the senior leadership team have been considering the next steps in the resumption of normal school operations. Please read the communications in today’s Bulletin from Mr Barr, Mr Wyatt and Mr Dunn to see how next week’s operations will be modified.

I also want to express my appreciation for all those families who have acted on our request to consider having the older and more capable boys walk the final few hundred metres to and from School. In the COVID context, this reduces crowding and the chance of mingling in the carpark, as well as alleviating traffic congestion. I would like to make two points in reference to this request. First, please do not set down or pick up the boys on the perimeter of the School (ie Prospect Rd, Seaview St, and Victoria Ave adjacent to the School) as this disrupts normal traffic movement and does not alleviate the congestion issue. Second, please be considerate of local residents by not stopping or parking in unsafe positions, or across driveways.

Having spent some time this week observing our carpark arrangements, the key issue is to keep queueing for the drop-off and pick-up happening smoothly. Therefore, if you arrive at the carpark earlier than your son is expected to be available, please do not stay in the queue. Rather, park your car in one of the vacant spots and wait. Your consideration in this matter is very much appreciated.

In anticipation of the return of the co-curricular activities that are so crucial to the Trinity education, I was very pleased to announce the appointment of senior students to various leadership roles in Cadets and Music this week. Their names can be found elsewhere in this Bulletin. Further appointments will be made in due course as our activities resume.

As an encouragement to our community, I am pleased to inform you that our current student vaccination rates (as evidenced to the School) have continued to increase. 82% of boys in the MS/SS have had at least one shot, and 71% are fully vaccinated. We have been informed that vaccination status will play a significant role in determining the extent and length of any mandatory isolation in the case of a confirmed case in the community. Therefore, it is very much in the interests of your son’s education and wellbeing to be vaccinated. Please provide the School with evidence of his vaccination status through this link.

Detur gloria soli Deo.

Tim Bowden | Head Master

Head Master’s Weekly Address

The Head Master, the Head of the Middle School, the Head of the Senior School and one of the Chaplains presents a piece to camera each week during Remote Learning. They are in lieu of the Head Master’s weekly address to the Quad Assembly, the Middle School and Senior School Assemblies and Chapel. View this week’s address from the Head Master below.


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