PYP Exhibitions 2021

PYP Exhibitions 2021

Preparatory School | PYP Exhibition

On Tuesday evening, 23 November, the Exhibition website went live as the boys shared their presentation with families and guests through virtual interactive sessions. As the week has gone on, the students have also had the opportunity to receive and respond to feedback from guests who have continued to engage with the website. It is fair to say that the Year 6 boys have been on a high all week!

The PYP Exhibition never fails to impress, and this year was no different. As I listened to the students’ presentations and the way they answered impromptu questions, read their essays and poems, and appreciated their artworks, I was amazed at the depth of their knowledge and their skilfulness as learners. Over the course of the eight-week Exhibition period, the students have become experts!

However, perhaps the most striking thing for me about this year’s Exhibition was the students’ growth. One of the great things about having been at Trinity Prep for seven years is that I have had the privilege of watching this cohort of students grow and develop from Kindergarten. I have seen what they were like when they were 5 years of age, I have seen them navigate the highs and lows of primary school, and I have worked with their teachers to support them as they have faced and overcome academic and social challenges over the years. You will have heard me speak about growth many times, but the Exhibition captured this perfectly. It was so rewarding to reflect with the teachers about specific students and to recall their individual learning journeys over the years. I took great pride in mentioning just a few of these stories at our daily briefing on Wednesday morning.

The Exhibition reminds us of the important role that each member of our learning community plays in the lives of our students, parents and teachers alike. We are there to provide encouragement, support, affirmation, discipline and instruction when it is needed. And through this, each individual grows. The Exhibition is a celebration of this learning journey and the growth of each individual.

Well done to the Year 6 students! And well done to the Prep learning community for supporting these young learners in their growth!

The even better news is that it isn’t too late to share in the PYP Exhibition. I encourage all members of the Prep learning community to visit the Exhibition website, to engage in the students learning and to leave some feedback or questions. The boys would be delighted to have a larger audience and to share their learning and action more broadly.

Chris Wyatt | Head of the Preparatory School

Junior School | PYP Exhibition

The Year 6 PYP Exhibition was a stunning success for the boys. The learning process undertaken across the last five weeks but commenced whilst in remote-mode has been unique. The boys displayed agency for their learning, organisation for managing their time and initiative in collaborating with experts and mentors. This culminated in Monday evening’s hosting of on-line group interviews where boys fielded questions about their individual inquiries and their growth as learners. It has given the boys a unique learning experience and, hopefully, great confidence. Thank you to each parent who supported and ‘interrogated’ their own son and other boys. Exhibition is always a high point in the year. Like everything else, it has been so different this year, more challenging in many ways, yet also more rewarding in many ways as well. The presentations are online and available to view here and all boys are to be congratulated on their outstanding and mature interaction with their issues, sources and one another. The mentors and teachers, especially Miss Jabaji, Mrs Tredinnick, Mr Hoare, Mrs Ormes and Mr Karagiannis are especially thanked for their encouragement, guidance and assistance. As all will appreciate, the effort to produce this on-line Expo has gone well beyond the usual, even for Exhibition, and speaks volumes of the commitment and dedication of the boys and teachers to overcome any obstacles this year.

Mark Dunn | Head of Junior School


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