Library News | Preparatory School

Library News | Preparatory School

Summer Reading Challenge

We are very excited to announce the Summer Reading Challenge for this year! We are asking both students and their parents to get involved to see how many tiles they can mark off on our Summer Reading Challenge Card. When students read a book that completes a tile, there will be a Google Form to fill in. We will be watching to see which students can complete the whole card! Those who do will be entered into a draw to win a $25 Scholastic Voucher, there will be 2 available for each year level.

Cards will be sent home with students in Week 10 with more information.


It is getting to that time of year where we need to finalise all borrowing. Students have until the end of Week 9 to return all of their library books. Once their account is cleared, they are welcome to borrow for the holidays. Any outstanding overdue library books at the end of the term will be forwarded onto finance to add to school accounts.

Students have been receiving notes to make parents aware of what is overdue, if you feel this is incorrect, please get in contact with us so we can fix it up on our end.

Author Spotlight – Kerry Brown

Kerry Brown grew up in Carnarvon, a coastal country town in Western Australia. Her childhood was typical of most children of that time, playing endlessly outside with her friends and spending holidays at the family ‘shack’ near the Blowholes.

Her imagination worked overtime as she made new discoveries and invented new games behind the sand dunes with her friends.

This imagination may have lay dormant for a few years but never strayed far and was reignited soon after the birth of her two children, who continue to be her biggest inspiration.

Kerry is a qualified primary teacher with a master’s degree in Education. She has had the privilege to work alongside some of the best imaginations in the country – the children she has taught! Kerry’s excitement and passion for children’s literature is extended beyond the classroom and into her picture books. She is dedicated to developing early literature skills in children and enjoys helping children tap into their own magical worlds and words!

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