From the Head of the Junior School

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School,

It has been a pleasure to see the boys and staff productively occupied in many contexts this week: engaged in the classroom; training for sport; problem-solving in STEAM, exploring play spaces; demonstrating respect for others in their listening, manners and cheerful greetings; and learning with and from one another. It has been particularly heartening to view boys’ messages of gratitude as demonstration of an attitude currently being nurtured in Christian Studies classes and Chapel by Mrs Leedow and Mr Bishop.

Particularly noticeable in the early weeks of the year is teachers’ hard work with the boys establishing high expectations in regard to the way we treat one another. At Trinity, we embrace the Christian command to love one another and our expectation is that boys, parents and staff will practise and model respect in all interactions. This expectation is embodied in our Junior School Code of Respect (our CoRe) which provides guidelines for our interactions. The Code of Respect encourages and reminds us to respect ourselves, others and our school in all of our decisions, words and actions. Teachers and boys have already come up with many fantastic applications of these principles in their own classrooms and activities. The Code of Respect is part of the language and culture of the Junior School and can be found in all learning spaces across the Junior School. It is a wonderful reminder for adults in how to treat each other as well! Students also participate in GROWTH lessons throughout the year as part of a whole-school approach to health and well-being. In Term 1, each boy will participate in lessons specifically focusing on ‘Being a Trinitarian’, with the specific content and activities tailored to each year level. Class teachers and I will elaborate on this programme on Monday evening.

Class teachers are looking forward to remotely connecting with you on Monday evening and we hope you take the time to ‘Meet the Teacher’. Class meetings would normally be preceded by an introductory session which you can access via this link at your leisure. I also commend to you a video overview of the communication platforms we will use in 2022, recorded by Mr Karagiannis and linked here. Individual links to classroom sessions will be emailed to you on Monday morning. I remind you that you will need to install the Microsoft Teams app beforehand if you will be using a mobile device.

Seventeen Year 6 students selected for positions of responsibility as School and House Officers will be commissioned at a Chapel Service attended by their parents and the other students of Year 6 and Year 5 on Monday morning. The commissioning in the War Memorial Chapel is significant as a message to the boys that they lead for God’s glory, that leadership involves sacrifice, and that they can draw inspiration and guidance from the example of servant leadership modelled by Jesus. The rest of our Year 6 boys will be advised of their individual leadership roles following the service and will meet with staff in coming weeks to set goals and discuss expectations for their portfolios over the year.

As always, there has been overwhelming interest in this term’s offering of co-curricular activities. All expressions of interest have been considered and offers distributed via email this afternoon. Most boys have received their top preference, often more. Almost all activities are full, with demand exceeding the number of places. I remind you that boys who miss out on this occasion will be prioritised for an offer in future terms where possible.

Sports trials for boys in Years 4-6 were completed this week and teams are organised and have practised for tomorrow’s first round of games. Hopefully, boys have been placed in the correct team but adjustments will no doubt be made over the first few rounds as we get to see boys in game situations. I remind all parents about the importance of your son turning up to his match in sufficient time for a warm up and instructions from the coach (half an hour before the scheduled start of play). Junior School boys play sport under the IPSHA (Independent Primary School Heads of Australia NSW Branch) umbrella. IPSHA sets out clear guidelines and codes of behaviour for players, spectators and coaches. The principles of IPSHA sport are:

  • Enjoyment and sportsmanship must be emphasised at all times
  • Competitors should be encouraged to play hard and strive to win fairly
  • Respect your opponent
  • Team spirit and School loyalty must be given priority over selfish play
  • Foul or rough play is inexcusable
  • Applause should be generously bestowed on good play from both teams
  • Excessive jubilation must be curbed so as not to show contempt for an opponent
  • The referee’s decision is final and beyond reproach
  • Complaints concerning the conduct of games must not be made during or after the game but must be referred to the School (either Mr Robinson or Mr Dunn)

At Trinity, we encourage boys to be gracious in winning as well as in defeat. The shaking of an opponent’s hand (‘fist-pumping’ at the moment) at the completion of any game is expected and good play from an opposition team should be acknowledged in an appropriate manner. No player should criticise any teammate and there is to be no swearing or fighting on the playing field for any reason, or as the result of any provocation. All Trinity teams are to be immaculately turned out in the correct playing strip and non-Trinity items of clothing are not to be worn. At all times boys are expected to give 100% effort. I ask that you reinforce all of these principles with your son and uphold them yourselves each Saturday. COVID-19 protocols for participation and parent spectators have been made available via the app, with most schools applying a two person limit at outdoor venues and limiting to one person for indoor venues. At this stage, spectators must be double-vaccinated and will need to register on arrival at most venues using a QR Code and the NSW Services app. Please observe safe-distancing and leave following games. Do not attend if you are unwell, are awaiting COVID 19 test results, or are required to isolate.

The Year 3 Sport programme will commence next Friday afternoon and runs for five weeks this term. The sessions will complement the PDHPE programme and Thursday sport sessions, to provide the boys with the necessary skills and games experience to prepare them for competitive IPSHA games from the beginning of Year 4. All sessions conclude at 4.30pm. Parents are asked to be punctual for pick-up. Boys booked into OSH Club can still go to OSH at the conclusion of the session.

I am again asking all families as an act of preparedness and kindness (to sons and their teachers) to ensure that they are registered with OSHClub. This is a ‘just in case’ registration for that one-off emergency when your son needs care after hours. This registration does not expire so you should not need to re-register if you have done so previously for this campus. If you have not already registered in previous years or as a condition of co-curricular participation, please do so now via this link.

It was wonderful to gather with the Class Parents and Executive at our first Auxiliary Meeting yesterday. These parents are very keen to connect families across the Junior School, and to plan events for the boys and wider community. Class parents will communicate with you about Auxiliary events and initiatives during the year. In this early part of the year, class parents will be particularly helpful in orientating new parents to new routines that can be otherwise overwhelming, and will connect you with other parents in your class or year group. Class lists will soon be distributed to assist with this process.

If your family circumstances have changed recently, particularly in regards to contact details (especially email) or care of your son, please ensure that the School has current information. This allows us to contact you easily and where necessary, issue multiple copies of notes and reports to parents. If care of your son is affected by orders from the Family Court, please ensure that the School is provided with up-to-date copies of the applicable orders. Should there be any variation to these, please ensure that we are immediately notified.

Next week will be a big week for any hopeful swimmers. On Tuesday, our primary students will be able to trial for the Swimming Team to represent the Junior School at Invitational and IPSHA carnivals over the next month. We will also conduct a swim test for all new boys in Years 4-6 on that morning, as part of our risk management procedures for lessons, camps and other activities to be held in and around water this year. Mr Robinson has communicated the details to boys and parents.

Good luck to all our Years 4-6 boys in their first round of sport tomorrow morning. As always, do your best, and be thankful for the privilege it is to be able to move and play games with friends. Remember to respect your coach, teammates, opposition and referees…without them our games are not possible.

Mark Dunn | Head of the Junior School


I love you, Lord, my strength. The Lord is my rock, my fortress and my deliverer; my God is my rock, in whom I take refuge, my shield and the horn of my salvation, my stronghold. Psalm 18:1-2


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