Music News | Preparatory School

Music News | Preparatory School

Staff News

Welcome to Ms Sarah Homeh to the Trinity Grammar School Preparatory School Music Department.  Sarah will teach double bass in the Year 2 Strings Programme and also work within the Private Instrumental Music Programme.  She also has experience as a professional musician, particularly in Jazz, so watch this space for another exciting co-curricular opportunity!

AMEB Session 1

Entry forms for students to sit these exams at School in the May/June session have now closed.  If you have missed the deadline, the exam will need to be arranged independently through your son’s Instrumental Music Teacher.

Soloist Competition

Entry forms are now available for the Soloists Competition for 2022 from the Music Centre, your son’s Instrumental Music Teacher or using this link.

Applications are to be emailed to Mrs Campbell and as well as Music Admin by Friday 25th February or as completed. No late entries will be accepted. Please read the application form carefully so that you have had a rehearsal with an accompanist and enter into the correct section for your Grade.

Junior Section Grades 1-3

Intermediate Section Grades 4-5

Senior Section Grades 6-7

Advanced Section Grade 8 and above

The following Heats for the Soloists Competition will be held at the Preparatory School in the Beethoven Room, once all entries are received Mrs Campbell will publish the student playing order for the heats. All other heats will be held at Summer Hill and you will be notified by Music Admin of the day and time.

Strings – Tuesday 8th March 1:30pm-3pm Beethoven Room

Piano – Wednesday 9th March 9am – 11am Beethoven Room

Ensemble Rehearsal Punctuality

Scheduled rehearsal start times are when the students should already be unpacked, tuned and the rehearsal begins. I have noticed of late that students are arriving on or after the scheduled start time. Can I please ask that boys arrive at least 5-10 minutes earlier so maximum rehearsal time is achieved? This is particularly an issue with before school rehearsals

Instrument Drop-Off

If students forget to bring their instruments to school on the day that they have a rehearsal, an Instrumental Lesson or are involved in the Year 1 and 2 Strings of Year 4 Band Programme, we please ask that parents not ring to arrange a time to drop the instruments off at school. If the student forgets their instrument they will have to go without that day as parents are only permitted on site for meetings or to collect unwell children. The boys and all Instrumental Music staff have been informed of this procedure.  Hopefully this will teach them to be more reliable and responsible regarding organising and packing their equipment for the day. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding.

Trinity Singers

A reminder that the Trinity Singers ALL rehearsal is now held on a Monday as a number of students were absent last Monday with no explanation for their absence.  We have the Family Service in Week 7 to prepare for, so it is vital that the boys attend their two scheduled sessions each week.

Mrs Geraldine Campbell | Director of Preparatory School Music

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