2022 | National Young Leaders Day

2022 | National Young Leaders Day

On Tuesday March 8th, the Year Six school leaders attended the National Young Leaders Day at the International Convention Centre in the city. We were joined by Mr Gannon and Mrs Nel. We kickstarted the day with dancing and watching kids’ leadership news. This gave us some great ideas on how to take action in our school.

The first speaker was Bronte Campbell. She is a Gold Medal Olympic swimmer. She told us her story about how she wanted to be a swimmer since she was only seven years old. She told us that life isn’t a straight path, and that there are many twists and turns. The most important thing she told us was to reflect on what you’ve done by asking yourself

What worked?’

What didn’t work?’

What is the fix?’

What can we change?’

After our morning break, a singer and writer named Josh Pyke told us about his life story and taught us valuable lessons. He didn’t always succeed in making his songs and books. He taught us many lessons like:

  • Failure isn’t failure if you can recover
  • Trust yourself
  • Always put your best foot forward, no matter what.

The most valuable thing that he taught us was to not walk past a problem, but to look for a way to fix it.

The third speaker was Anthony Carroll from Bondi Rescue. He talked about using the opportunities given to you, creating your own dream, and not putting pressure on yourself when you don’t need to. Anthony taught us many life lessons, but his main point was to stay calm and collected. One quote that stuck out to us was ‘Make calm contagious’.

The last speaker of the day was Lachie Smart. He is the youngest pilot ever to travel around the world solo. We learned that preparation is the key to success. The main lesson that he taught us is that be yourself because the others are taken.

We really appreciated the opportunity to attend the day and will take the lessons on board throughout the rest of our lives.

By Rory Ashcroft and Chris Qiu

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