International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day

As an International Baccalaureate school we aim to ‘develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect’. This week that took the form of unpacking the concepts of equity, diversity and difference as we acknowledged International Women’s Day.

The boys of the Prep School engaged in literature telling the stories of women and girls in our society who have overcome odds or contributed to society in extraordinary ways. The Kindergarten boys read a book called ‘What Is a Girl’ by Mel Amon and discussed the strengths of women in their life. The Year 1 boys learnt about how Eugenie Clarke became the ocean’s most fearless scientist. Year 2 boys wrote a letter to an important female in their life, sharing their appreciation to many women including their Mums, Grandmas and teachers.

Year 3 read about Nellie Melba and reflected on women in their life that inspired them. Year 4 boys listened to stories about girls who dared to be different and their impact on our world. Our Year 5 and 6 boys used literature to reflect on the progress that has been made in society whilst also unpacking the challenges that still exist for some women. They were challenged to think critically about biases that may exist in society.

International Women’s Day was a prompt for our boys to stop and reflect on significant women in their lives, whilst also understanding their role in contributing to an equitable respectful society.

Mrs Jessica Ford | Head of Academic Care

To read more about Trinity’s coverage of International Women’s Day, please see the following stories.

Five minutes with women in leadership at Trinity – International Women’s Day 2022
Nurturing young scientists through representation – International Women’s Day 2022

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