Music News | Preparatory School

Music News | Preparatory School

New Staff

This week the Music Department welcomed Mr Oliver Stanton to our Year 4 Band Program as a Flute Teacher. He is also available for flute tuition.

Soloist Competition

The Preparatory School had twenty-six students entered in the Soloists Competition playing violin, cello, guitar, saxophone and piano.  Heats were held on-site on Tuesday and Wednesday. Thanks to the adjudicators from Summer Hill, Dr Michael McGregor (Director of Co-curricular Music), Mr Greg Kinda (School Accompanist) and Ms Kate Morgan (Head of Strings) for their time.  Particular thanks to Mr Kinda for accompanying all the string and woodwind students as well. Students who have been chosen to compete in the Finals Concert next Wednesday evening should have been contacted by Music Admin Office. If you are wondering if your son has made the finals, please email Music Admin office on:

Family Service

In preparation for the Family Service next Sunday 20th March at 8:50am, Trinity Singers are required to wear Choir Gowns. To be able to do this in a time efficient manner so that the boys can have rehearsals beforehand, Mrs Campbell is calling for any volunteers who can assist with this task to meet with your sons in the Choir Room, in the Music Centre on the Summer Hill Campus. Robing should only take about 15 minutes if we have plenty of help.  If you can assist can you please email Mrs Campbell

Year 1 & 2 Strings Program and Year 4 Band Program

Students are reminded that they need to take their instruments to the Music Centre before school on the days of the above programs and not have instruments around their school bags, lockers or in classrooms. A reminder that a forgotten instrument will not be accepted at the School gate if it has been left at home.  Parents are not permitted to drop instruments off as the boys need to develop their organisational skills and take responsibility for their learning and equipment.

Mrs Geraldine Campbell | Director of Preparatory School Music

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