Prep | Pre-Kindergarten News

Prep | Pre-Kindergarten News


We have started our Pre-Lit program in class which is a systematic, skills-based program that lays a sound foundation for the Pre-Kindergarten students learning to read. We have been enjoying talking about how words can be written with letters or spoken, thinking about short words and long words, clapping syllables, and identifying how many words are in a sentence.

We have been expanding our vocabulary through rich literature exposure with our focus stories. We have focused on: Dear Zoo by Rod Cambell, Parachute by Danny Parker and this week we are reading The Very Hungry Caterpillar by Eric Carle. Each story has key vocabulary that we unpack and explore as well as other activities to further develop our pre-literacy skills.

Healthy Bodies

We have been talking about having healthy bodies in Pre-Kindergarten. Having a healthy body helps us to be ready and able to learn. Please support your son to be ready to learn by packing him a healthy lunchbox each day.

We love to chat about all of the healthy and tasty food in our lunch boxes each day, our current Pre-Kindergarten favourites include green grapes, bananas, watermelon, cheese and ham wraps, yoghurt and rolled up deli meats.

Please refrain from packing sweet treats like chocolate, coco pops, juice, meringues and lollies.

When we talk about eating healthy food, we use the language ‘everyday foods’ and ‘sometimes foods’.  ‘Everyday foods’ are the foods that we need to eat everyday so that our body can grow and be strong and healthy, this includes things such as: fruit, vegetables, dairy. ‘Sometimes foods’ are foods that we eat as a treat (not every day), these are foods that are best to be kept at home.

For more information about healthy lunch boxes, please see:



Robots have taken over the STEAM learning station!

Linking into the collaborative Unit of Inquiry “Who We Are”. Pre-Kindergarten students have been discovering their STEAM skills by programming robots to move. So far, the boys have explored Sphero Indi, HEXBUGs and BeeBots, determining that each of these robots require different sets of instructions to move. In the Deckhouse boys have access to STEAM learning for the whole week with a new learning experience set up for self-discovery.

Pre-Kindergarten Art Show

Due to the number of events occurring over the coming weeks, we will not be joining together for the Art Show in Week 9 as advertised in the Record Books. We look forward to sharing our learning and artworks with you throughout other school events.


Christian Studies

The miracles of Jesus provide us an amazing opportunity to learn how Jesus’ power is in his words. The boys have been exploring some of the miracles such as Jesus healing the paralyzed man, walking on water or feeding the 5000. Over the next few weeks, we will be exploring the most amazing miracles surrounding the events of Easter. The boys will be using their communication skills at the end of term and sharing their favourite story and what it means to them personally. We are looking forward to the boys joining us at Infants Chapel on Friday afternoon soon as we think about God’s promises.

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