News from the Field Studies Centre

News from the Field Studies Centre

This week the School launched the second term-long residential Field Studies Programme (FSP) for 2022. The programme provides a platform for the development of essential life skills such as effective communication, resilience, self-confidence, leadership, teamwork, autonomy and initiative. During the Field Studies Programme the young men engage in an innovative outdoor education and academic programme, with a place-based education focus.

The first three days of the FSP have been an opportunity for the boys to become orientated to the campus and to get to know their teachers, leaders and one another. Academic classes commenced today and by Saturday afternoon, the boys will have engaged in each of the bespoke FSP Geography, Science, Christian Studies and PDHPE courses. Mathematics lessons are kept in line with the content covered at Summer Hill, with elements of applied maths woven through the field work and outdoor education activities.

On Sunday we will begin the first rotation outdoor education activities which includes rock climbing, mountain biking, canoeing, orienteering and first aid. The boys on FSP two have made an excellent start and are to be congratulated for the positive attitudes they have displayed, and their readiness to begin stretching their comfort zones. Mr Pitts our Outdoor Education Coordinator reminded the boys on day one that it is on the edge of their comfort zones, where true growth occurs. Different elements of the FSP will challenge and stretch each boy, but at every step of the way they will have the support of their peers, and the dedicated staff team at the Woollamia Campus.

Tim Knowles | Head of the Field Studies Centre (FSC)

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