Cross Country Report | Meet 3 – Kings

Cross Country Report | Meet 3 – Kings

Beneath the crystal-blue skies that heralded a great weekend for sport, King’s was hiding a dirty secret. Really dirty: enough squelchy mud to keep a pig happy for a lifetime. Our before and after photos tell the story; the green and white was quickly transformed into the spotted green and brown (no invidious racial undertone here, just a statement of fact!).

The U14s set off at their normal cracking pace, led by Matthew M. (9WJ) who won the race, followed by Kobe S. (8Yo) in third place. Close on their heels were Joshua L (8Ta) and Sam R (8WJ). Harry H (8Fo), Max B (7We) and Maxwell M (7WJ) were steady, even when the sweat began to sting their eyes.

Although our U16s might have seen the U14s returning battle-hardened and filthy, they did not appear daunted. Jack O.(10He), Oliver J.(11Ke) and Luke R.(10Ta) maintained an even pace, despite tiredness setting in by the third lap. Ashwin S.(11Hi) continued his recent fine form, achieving 32nd place. Myles B. (9WJ) displayed particular endurance, achieving an improved place of 22nd.

Our Opens gladiators were just as hungry for glory as previous weeks, despite the increasing slip and slide along the track. Unfortunately, Luca G.(10St) was running in 8th place when he slipped heavily, mimicking the appearance of that famous Norm Provan and Arthur Summons photo (younger readers might need to Google this allusion). Yet Joseph C. (11Du) was close behind and went on to seal 13th place. James S. (12WJ) lost part of his previous night’s dinner on the final hill, but still pushed through the last 400 metres to an impressive finish. That’s commitment; that’s perseverance!

When up against the odds, our boys are often provoked to show ‘true grit’. On Saturday, they literally wore it – proudly.

In running,

Matthew Hirst | Cross Country Coach

Joseph C hits his stride
Luca G before his fall
Matthew M takes the lead
Max B pushes up the hill
Myles B takes the hill in his stride
Oliver J sets an even pace
Regan C steps up the pace
Sam R on track
The U14s Clean at the Start
The U16s get ready to rumble

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