From the Head of the Preparatory School

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Reconciliation Week

As you would be aware, this week is Reconciliation Week. On Monday, Ronak and Mattias, two of our School Officers, introduced the week to the students with an overview of Reconciliation Week and the importance of all Australians continuing to engage with the process of reconciliation, both personally and as a nation.

Domenic and Ronak composed the following statement on behalf of the Prep School students.

We gratefully thank the Wongal people who are the traditional custodians of this land for letting us learn, explore, discover and create on their very historical and purposeful land. We promise to commemorate the history and stories of this land. And we would also like to pay respect to the elders both past and present. We promise to cherish and consider the health and needs of this land for present and future years.

From Trinity Grammar School Preparatory School


Open Morning and Open Classrooms – Week 7

Earlier this week we conducted an Open Morning for prospective families. Open Morning is always a particularly energising experience as it serves as a strong reminder about why we do what we do and how it benefits our students. The strong message is that we are committed to growing young men as learners as they develop in mind, body and spirit. Whilst it is great to talk about this, the most inspiring aspect of Open Morning was walking around the school and showcasing the wonderful learning that occurs on a daily basis in each of the learning spaces across the Prep School. It was also lovely seeing the prospective parents engaging with our School Leaders as they were welcomed. They spoke articulately and with enthusiasm about ‘their school’ and the opportunities that they have on a daily basis. I found myself filled with pride about the work that the teachers and students do each day.

Open Morning also set the scene for what I hope is a series of great opportunities next week as we open classrooms and welcome parents in. I know that the teachers and students are looking forward to sharing a typical learning experience with parents to give them an insight into what life at school is like for the boys. We have deliberately not planned a ‘showcase’, instead preferring to provide a more realistic snapshot of ‘normal learning’. I hope that many parents are able to join us for the relevant experience in their son’s classroom. The program below provides the times for each class over the course of the week.


The Open Classroom Schedule in Week 7:

Class Day Date Time
PKOC Tuesday 7th June 8:55 – 9:55
PKS Monday 6th June 8:55 – 9:55
PKY Thursday 9th June 8:55 – 9:55
KB Tuesday 7th June 8:50 – 10:00
KC Tuesday 7th June 8:50 – 10:00
KL Tuesday 7th June 8:50 – 10:00
1I Tuesday 7th June 8:55 – 9:55
1K Tuesday 7th June 8:55 – 9:55
1S Tuesday 7th June 8:55 – 9:55
2C Tuesday 7th June 2:10 – 2:50
2G Tuesday 7th June 2:10 – 2:50
2B Tuesday 7th June 2:10 – 2:50
3A Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
3G Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
3M Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
4M Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
4P Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
4S Wednesday 8th June 8:55 – 9:55
5D Monday 6th June 8:55 – 9:55
5H Monday 6th June 8:55 – 9:55
5O Monday 6th June 8:55 – 9:55
6G Monday 6th June 2:00 – 3:00
6M Monday 6th June 2:00 – 3:00
6S Monday 6th June 2:00 – 3:00

Pre-K and Kindergarten parent session – Parenting your way…overcoming and debunking the parenting stereotypes

On Friday morning we conducted a Parent Information session, particularly for Pre-K and Kindergarten parents that focused on exploring different parenting styles and considering the impact that parenting can have on the development of children’s character and dispositions. As I expressed in the session, I do not profess to be an expert in this space, however, I have had the unique opportunity to learn through observation throughout my career, as well as learning (both good and bad) through my own personal experience.

During the session we explored some of the more common parenting stereotypes and the way that they often over-simplify the complex task of developing a personal parenting style. Whilst limited, these stereotypes do provide an opportunity to reflect on parenting practices to consider the way these can influence a child’s development.

Throughout the session we explored a few key themes that I believe are important for parents to consider as they develop their own parenting style.

  • Focus first on the positive to support positive wellbeing. The first question we should ask our children at the end of the day is ‘What went well today?’
  • Resilience is key for all children. They need to be given strategies and encouragement to ‘bounce back’.
  • Collaborative problem solving provides opportunities to support young people as they develop essential social skills.
  • Boundaries and routines are critically important for children and help them to self-regulate and manage their emotions.
  • Behaviour is always the tip of an iceberg. It is important to try and understand its cause rather than just dealing with what we see.
  • Being aware of developmental readiness is important to ensure we have realistic expectations of children.


Sharing Bilingual Stories

In the last week of Term 2, we are hoping to restart our Sharing Stories morning in the Library. For those of you who haven’t joined us before, this is a time where we open the Library to read picture books with boys and their families before school. We are hoping to run this event with parents reading stories in their Home Language alongside Mrs Nel who will read the story in English. If you are willing to spare 10 minutes of your time one morning in Week 9 to read a picture book to a group of students, please email Mrs Nel at with your Home Language and availability.


Studio Concerts

This week a great number of our boys have been performing at Studio Concerts. Learning an instrument is a largely empty process without the opportunity to perform in front of an audience. This week was that moment! The Studio Concerts are lovely occasions as the boys have the opportunity to listen to one another, and parents and students alike get to see the progression from the beginners through to the more advanced musicians. Congratulations to all of the students who participated in this week’s Studio Concerts!

This week our Trinity Singers also ramped up their preparations for the upcoming Gala Concert which will take place at Town Hall on Thursday 16th August.

These events are wonderful opportunities for our boys to showcase their artistic skills and talents and act as a great reward for all of the effort they put into practising.


2022 Chinese Recitation Competition

Recently, a number of our students participated in the 2022 Chinese Recitation Competition. Congratulations to the following students who were awarded prizes in the competition.

Champion of Family Group: Devon Yan and Callum Yao

First Prize: Tristan Boey

Second Prize: Jimmy Li, Lewis Boey

Third Prize: Devon Yan

Most Potential Award: Jimmy Li


Start of Term 3 – change of date

As previously communicated, this is a reminder that there has been a change to the start of Term 3 dates for this year. Student will now return to school for Term 3 on Wednesday 20th July, a day later than advertised in the Record Book. This change will allow the primary school teachers to undertake some further training in assessment techniques and bring the attendance of Prep School and Junior School students into line with classes in the Middle and Senior Schools.


Coming up in Week 7

APPROVED Incursions | Excursions | Events
Date Time Description Venue Teacher
6 June 8.55 – 9.55am Open Classroom PKS

Open Classrooms Year 5

Ali Schmidt

Year 5 Teaching Staff

6 June 9.30am – 1.15pm Kindy Incursion | Indigenous Basket Weaving Kindy Abi Nel
6 June 1.30 – 2.30pm Semester 1 Studio Concert

Louise Welsh

Mozart Room Geraldine Campbell
6 June 2.00 – 3.00pm Open Classrooms Year 6 Year 6 Learning Centre Year 6 Teaching Staff
7 June 8.55 – 9.55am

8.50 – 10.00am

8.55 – 9.55am

2.10 – 2.50pm

Open Classroom PKOC

Open Classroom Kindergarten

Open Classroom Year 1

Open Classroom Year 2



Year 1 Classrooms

Year 2 Classrooms

Sarah Clay

Kindy Teachers

Year 1 Teachers

Year 2 Teachers

7 June  

11.45 – 12.45pm

3.30 – 4.30pm

Semester 1 Studio Concert

Studio Concert – Antonia Deasey

Studio Concert – Stefano Rocco

Mozart Room Geraldine Campbell
8 June 8.55 – 9.55am Open Classrooms – Year 3

Open Classrooms – Year 4

Year 3 Classrooms

Year 4 Classrooms

Year 3 Teaching Staff

Year 4 Teaching staff

8 June 10.00am – 2.30pm Year 6 Excursion – Sydney Jewish Museum Sydney Jewish Museum Abi Nel
8 June 3.30 – 4.30pm Semester 1 Studio Concert

Studio Concert – Amelia McCluney, Jenny Swanton

Accompanist:  Jenny Swanton

Mozart Room Geraldine Campbell
9 June 8.30am Winter Sports Teams Photos Prep/SH Campus James Bremner
9 June 8.55 – 9.55am Open Classroom PKY PK Tanya Yacoub
10 June 3.15 – 4.45pm Inter-School Chess Competition (selected students) Prep Library Ashleigh Lopez
10 June 3.30 – 4.30pm Semester 1 Studio Concert

Ludmila Palmer

Accompanist:  Greg Kinda

Mozart Room Geraldine Campbell
14 June 9.55 – 10.55am

11.40am – 12.40pm

Author Talk – Kate and Jol Temple K-2

Author Talk – Kate and Jol Temple 3-6

Prep Gym Abi Nel
16 June 8.00-11.30am Gala Concert Rehearsal City Recital Hall Geraldine Campbell
20 June 2.00 – 3.00pm Year 6 Virtual Incursion – Migration Stories Year 6 Learning Space Abi Nel

Chris Wyatt | Head of the Preparatory School

“Jesus answered, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” John 14:6

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