Prep | Year 4 News

Prep | Year 4 News


Over the last few weeks of term Year 4 have been inquiring into patterns and algebra. Finding patterns in this world is eye opening once you start to see them. Everything from the trees and flowers through to the stars in the sky. In particular we have been learning how to apply rules to numbers and using patterns to help us solve problems. You may have seen this in action during our open morning. The boys have enjoyed experimenting with numbers to see what different patterns they can make. During the holidays you might like to join in and explore finding patterns in our world together.



At the end of Term 2 the boys inquired into persuasive texts. What makes them persuasive? Who is the target audience? Is the text appealing to your emotional or logical side of your brain? Being able to see and use the techniques makes it easier to make informed decisions and also help people understand your own perspectives. Persuasive texts come in all kinds of different forms. Everything from an advertisement on television or on a billboard, through to a letter to the editor in a newspaper. The Year 4 boys have been analysing and investigating their similarities and differences. Over the break discussing different examples that you see in the world around you with your boys could be an enriching activity.


Units of Inquiry

During the last few weeks the boys finished their unit inquiring into energy systems and how we harness them to enrich our daily lives. The science expo was a great opportunity for the boys to share their learning. The boys really enjoyed learning about where the energy that they use comes from and where it might be able to come from in the future. Don’t be surprised if they are interested in the energy consumption of your household.

We have also begun our inquiry into the digital world and the systems we use. One holiday activity we are going to send home is to look at the connectedness of their household and the use of digital devices in their family. They had particular interest in cyber security and learning about how the digital systems at Trinity work was eye opening for some. We will continue this discussion early in the term as we think about how the digital world offers opportunities to connect inspire and create change.



This term in Classroom Music, in the Stand Alone Unit of Inquiry Percussion and Groove, the students learnt how to play bucket drums demonstrating correct technique and read percussion notation. They have learnt how to incorporate the music elements of dynamics and tempo within this style of music to add colour and express mood.  The Concepts of Form, Change and Connection helped to drive this inquiry. They continued to enjoy their work with the Instrumental Music staff learning the Band instruments and had a quick experience of what it felt like to be part of a marching band.  For a number of weeks, they have been developing ensemble playing skills such as listening to other parts, following a conductor, reading music notation and blending their sound with the other instrumental parts.


How can 3D printing create opportunities to connect, inspire and create change? In STEAM, Year 4 are connecting to the class unit of inquiry “How We Organise Ourselves” to explore 3D printing. The unit started by exploring the form and function of a 3D printer:

“Firstly, it scans what you want it to print. Secondly the hot end warms it up Thirdly it squeezes it out like cake icing.” – Christian 4S

“A 3D printer works by heating plastic and layering it down onto a metal surface and is then cooled and hardens into plastic.” – James 4M

“Put the image in the computer. The computer cuts it up into tiny layers and sends it into a 3D printer. Then prints layers by and when finished it moves onto print another layer by moving up the nozzle.” – Lewis 4P

The boys are currently investigating how they can develop 3D prints for their own purpose with some of the ideas including pencil pots, treasure boxes, hooks and a bowl. We look forward to continuing this inquiry next term.

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