Prep | Year 5 News

Prep | Year 5 News

Coming up in Year 5


Week 1-3 How we Express Ourselves


Week 1-2 Fractions and Decimals

Week 3 Chance



Weeks 1-3 Imaginative: Poetry


Unit of Inquiry

In Week 8, Year 5 began the How We Express Ourselves unit. In our provocation, the boys were asked to represent the concept of ‘Movement’ in groups. This gave the boys the opportunity to think outside the box with a range of great responses including moving LEGO constructions, flying objects, collections of images and the recording of different types of movement. It will be interesting to explore how ‘Movement’ can be represented at the end of the unit!

As we started our inquiry, students began to explore the central idea that movement is a universal language that can be interpreted, appreciated and created. As a class we are using the elements of dance and movement to analyse dances from different cultures, places and eras. In the process, the boys have already had an absolute ball learning group and individual dances including the Heel Toe Polka. Another highlight has been our visiting teacher, Mr Mako, who invited us to learn about how movement and music is used for expression within Maori culture.

In PE, the boys are learning how different types of movement (or stillness) such as yoga and exercise can be used for personal expression, to help us understand ourselves and for personal wellbeing.

Next term, the boys will continue to learn historical and cultural dances, choreograph their own dance, and explore the concept of movement in science and the natural world in STEAM.

Year 5 boys clearly experiencing the joy that comes from movement!
Year 5 boys clearly experiencing the joy that comes from movement!


In English, students have been writing, editing and publishing an historical narrative. In order to communicate the lived experience during significant events in history, students were challenged to create narratives strengthened by character voice, accurate depictions of setting and story, themes and morals connected to the time in history and deep emotion and feelings through the use of emotive and figurative language. The stories have provided a rich opportunity for our young authors to bring authentic experiences and themes to their stories.

Last week, the boys began their reading and writing unit grounded in the art of Poetry. Collaboratively, we analysed the poem ‘Stream School’ and identified the effective use of extended metaphor and personification. We are also beginning to explore the way poets can play with language, vocabulary choice, word order and syntax to enhance poetic form. The boys then use Stream School as a model text to create poems about the journey of a plastic bag.

We are now moving on to exploring Odes in reading and writing, and learning how to identify different forms of poetry and other texts.

To further support learning next term, the holidays offer a perfect opportunity to read and discuss a range of different types of poetry at home!


In Year 5, the boys completed a patterns and algebra unit where they created, identified, described and continued geometric and number patterns. Students have used their knowledge of fractions and decimals to extend their exploration of patterns and will continue to apply this learning in their coming mathematics unit. The boys created a table of values to analyse patterns, finding both the recursive rule in the pattern (the changes that happen through the value of terms) and the function rule (the rule we can apply to any term in the sequence to find the value of the term.) The boys have applied this learning and have strengthened their ability to find and explore patterns when problem solving.



We have started the transdisciplinary unit Sharing the Planet by looking at the traditional farming in China and its problems, as well as the innovative practices to transform Chinese agriculture and food production. Boys have been taking the ownership of learning by sharing and inquiring into personal wonderings and working with different people in pair/group work. A bank of resources were provided to support students’ learning journey, which included short articles, case studies, videos and quizzes.

At the same time, boys have been participating in online Chinese learning with Education Perfect. The units for non-heritage learners and heritage learners are “Family & Animal” and “Families & Pets” respectively.



Can you code a dance party? Starting our new unit in connection with the class inquiry of “How We Express Ourselves” the boys were challenged to code their own dance party using “This is just like Just Dance” – Julian 5D, with that idea in mind the boys collectively determined that we could code a Just Dance inspired game for their Pre-K buddies. Still in the coding phase the boys are programming their dance moves to match the beat of selected songs with many discussions about what music and dance moves are appropriate and suitable for a 4 to 5 year old.


In Year 5 Music the Stand Alone Unit The Harmony of Music has enabled the students to discover the basics of composing and how melody and harmony are in sync. They have analysed works and then learnt how to play on the piano and xylophones, scales (ascending and descending and in 3rds), chords, and chord progressions. They have used the chord progression to improvise melodies and demonstrate their understanding of a sequence. Learning to play the first 8 bars from Do Re Mi from the Sound of Music has consolidated their understanding of the use of sequences. Notating the scales on the music stave has reinforced their understanding of the definition of scales and chords.

Visual Arts

For students and families interested in visiting some art exhibitions during the holidays, here are a few ideas to get you started:

Archibald, Wynne and Sulman Prizes at the Art Gallery of New South Wales runs from 14th May – 28th August. The Archibald Prize for portrait painting is the country’s favourite and most significant art award. The Wynne Prize is awarded to the best landscape painting of Australian scenery, or figure sculpture, while the Sulman Prize is given to the best subject painting, genre painting or mural project in oil, acrylic, watercolour or mixed media. There are a number of drop in and bookings required workshops. Special mention to Austin in KL whose artwork ‘I become Batman is currently on show in the Young Archie competition – congratulations Austin!

Other Possible Worlds: Contemporary Art from Thailand runs at Delmar Gallery from 25th June – 31st July, Wed – Sun, 12pm – 5pm. Other Possible Worlds presents 12 young and mid-career Thai artists enthusiastically engaged in the debates around Thailand’s present and future. The exhibition includes painting, sculpture, photography, installation, neon, video, embroidery, prints and works on paper. Information about a range of workshops, talks and discussions can be found here.

Our Journeys, Our Stories runs from 30th April – 24th July at Hurstville Museum and Gallery. The exhibition explores the Chinese migration history of the Georges River area. Interweaving social and cultural history with the work of contemporary Chinese-Australian artists Cindy Yuen-Zhe Chen, Guo Jian, Lindy Lee, Xiao Lu, Jason Phu, and Guan Wei. Information about guided tours and drawing workshops with artist Cindy Yuen-Zhe Chen held in July can be found at the above link.

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