Trinity Ball – Tickets on sale now

Trinity Ball – Tickets on sale now

Start planning your outfits and your tables of ten – tickets for the Trinity Ball are on sale now. Support the largest School event since the Centenary celebrations and help raise funds for the Quadrangle rejuvenation in support of the Renewal Project.

When: Saturday 20 August – Doltone House, Jones Bay Wharf, 6:30pm

MC: Erin Molan

Entertainment: Enormous Horns

Please note: the evening is Formal Dress

Auction items and prizes on the night include:

  • Win your School fees for a year – purchase a ticket on the night for the opportunity to win a year’s tuition fees for one student.
  • Three nights at Mandalay House, Airlie Beach
  • A box at the races
    …and much more.

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