Renewal Project: September Update

Renewal Project: September Update

Works are continuing in Trinity’s Renewal Project, much to the excitement of many young construction-watchers. Director of Major Projects, Scott Swann, had the privilege of speaking with a local mother and her 4-year-old son recently, who have been watching the works with rapt attention. Every second word from her son was “digger” and his excitement over seeing the trucks at work was palpable. He’ll have plenty to be excited about as the works continue over the next month. 

Stage 1 – Services, shoring and piling works 

Installation of the new services for the maintenance building has commenced, with special piling equipment expected to be delivered over the coming week, which will allow the in ground piling and the shoring foundation to begin. 

Stage 2 – Excavation of Oval No. 3 & demolition 

August saw the excavation of Oval No. 3 progress nicely, paving the way for in ground piling and shore foundation works over the coming months. On 31st August, the temporary access road was opened, enabling parents and visitors access to existing Car Park 2 during the destruction and reconstruction of the existing Jubilee Driveway, while the new road and access to the new car park is formed, due in early 2023. 

Stage 2 – Junior School Link Access 

The only demolition works remaining in the Junior School Link are due to be completed in the first half of September. From mid-month, the builders will start on the new stairs and access ramps, pushing hard for opening in Term 4. 

Stage 2 – Maximum power demand cabling works 

With the introduction of a new Power Kiosk on Prospect Road for the Renewal Project, some work was required to make this a possibility, including 3 x 450mm diameter bore holes, consisting of 70 metres in overall length of underboring, using GPS trackers, radar and boring machines (located on Oval No. 3). The works went 3 metres under the School of Music Building, missing all existing foundations and services, popping back up at Oval No. 1 (opposite the Trinity Theatre Seating). 

This means that future power cables can run from the Kiosk to the Main Switch Boards in the new Teaching and Learning building. 

Questions or concerns? Contact Scott Swann, Director of Major Projects, Trinity Grammar School via the contact form on our website found here.

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