News from The Arthur Holt Library

News from The Arthur Holt Library

Senior students researching
Senior students researching

Steven Hawking once said, “Look up at the stars and not down at your feet. Try to make sense of what you see, and wonder about what makes the universe exist. Be curious.” Curiosity is where research begins but the journey of discovery that students embark upon as they seek out new knowledge or a deeper understanding requires more than just interest. Research is a skill encompassing critical thinking, perseverance and academic honesty.

A key part of that research process is referencing or acknowledging sources. It provides the roadmap of the research journey and enables students to establish credibility in their academic writing. In The Arthur Holt Library this week, we have been supporting our most senior students with lessons on referencing and heightening their understanding of how to conduct research with integrity. In both Year 12 IB Mathematics classes and Year 12 PDHPE classes, students engaged with subject specific referencing sessions. These enabled them to understand how to ethically include the data of secondary sources to support their research. They also learned how to build references to include their own primary data.

Teaching in The Arthur Holt Library has always been collaborative and research skills are taught in the context of specific content within the students’ various classes. Building skills that support academic integrity enable the boys to participate in the academic world and will provide a firm grounding for what awaits them in their tertiary studies.

“Books serve to show a man that those original thoughts of his are not very new after all.”
-Abraham Lincoln

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