Debating News | ISDA Semi Final

Debating News | ISDA Semi Final

E. Urbano, B. De Lany, R. Qin, O. Ang

YEAR 7 ISDA report – MLC v Trinity

It was the semi-finals of the ISDA debating season. Ever since the start we had a mindset of ‘we wanted to make finals’; that was what drove us on to train harder, and debate smarter. Now, finally we had an opportunity to go to the finals, it was an opportunity to make our dreams come true. If we lost this debate that meant that we would have lost the golden opportunity to bring pride and glory to Trinity. We were against MLC, and we knew that they were a hard enemy to beat, but we entered the debate with a positive mindset that we were going to win and make it through to the Grand Final.

We finally received the topic selection sheet, and we decided to select the topic ‘That Selective Schools Should Be Abolished’. We moved into our preparation room and immediately started to brainstorm our arguments. Ultimately, we came up with the points on how it created a sense of elitism, how this will encourage those who cannot go to a selective school to still get a higher education and how it will reduce stress on the students. We started extremely strongly at first affirmative by outlining our model and characterising the problem. There was a strong response from the negative, but our second speaker quickly closed off all their arguments. Second negative tried to come back with some arguments but again at third, we shut down all their arguments and finished off our team’s case. Third negative finished her speech, and the debate was finally over. We all waited in a deadly silence while the panel of adjudicators deliberated upon the decision.

Finally, the adjudicators came in, and any conversation that had started fell immediately silent. We all sat there in anticipation as they prepared their decision. They started with some extremely helpful general feedback of which we gladly made a mental note. Then it was time for the result; our breathing started to go extremely fast, we had… WON! Which meant that we were in the Grand Final! Thanks to our team’s wonderful collaboration, we have had an extremely successful season.

We would like to congratulate the opposition for what was a very well-fought debate. We also extend our thanks to our coaches who worked tirelessly to provide us with the necessary information, expertise, and guidance throughout the season. We also would love to thank the parents for making the trek to Knox Grammar to support us, the adjudicator for adjudicating this debate, and all the staff who made it possible. All the work, time and effort were worth it ultimately. We had come such a long way in our skills, teamwork, and knowledge. Grand Final, here we come!

R. Qin (7 Yo)

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