Prep | Grandparents’ Day

Prep | Grandparents’ Day

Year 1 and 2 Grandparents’ Day | Tuesday 9th August 9:30am to 11am

Schedule for the morning:

8:30 – 9am Grandparents arrive and will be taken to the Mozart room where a special chapel service will commence at 9am

9 – 9:30am Chapel service in the Mozart room

9:30 – 10:30am Grandparents will visit their grandson’s classroom and engage in activities organised by their class teacher

10:30 – 10:45am Morning tea in the playground

10:45 – 11:30am Boy will join their grandparents in the Year 1 and 2 playgrounds for morning tea

Grandparents are welcome to leave at any time throughout morning break. At 11:30am the morning bell will ring, and the boys will say goodbye to their grandparents and get ready to resume their normal classes for the rest of the day.

Please note that due to space restrictions, we are limiting the day to grandparents only. The boys who do not have grandparents who can join us on the day will still enjoy participating in the morning with their class.

Morning tea will be provided for grandparents only.

We are looking forward to this very special morning. Please don’t forget to RSVP via this LINK.

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