Library News | Junior School

Library News | Junior School

Year 5 Book Reviews


Sea Quest series by Adam Blade – “The series is really interesting. All the characters are really cool and it has a really interesting story line. There is a boy and he gains aquatic powers and he has to fight monsters from his evil uncle. This book is good for kids with a great imagination. I give it 4.7 stars.”


I, Cosmo by Carlie Sorosiak- “I like this book as it is about a dog and the dog is very protective of its owner. When the family starts arguing, the dog tries to keep the family together. This is a funny story and it is good if you like dogs, or even if you don’t like dogs. It is a really good book and I would give it 4 ⅕ stars.”

Wonder  by R.J. Palacio “This is a good book and it has even been made into a movie. It is about a kid who is a bit different as he has some disabilities, like a different face and he gets teased. He is able to turn the teasing to make it funny and things get better. I give this book 4 stars.”


Zac Power – “I would recommend these books as they are interesting and they give you more knowledge about what life could be. I recommend it for boys in Years 3 to 6, as there might be some words you don’t know, so you could learn some new words. I give it 4 ½ stars.”


Keeper of the Lost Cities series by Shannon Messenger – “I love the Keeper of the Lost Cities series because it is a story about a girl called Sophie who has many abilities and she goes through lots of hard times but she has lots of fun with her friends. I also like it as there is lots of action and descriptive words that engage me and I can never leave this book. I recommend this book for people who like Harry Potter as it is a fantasy book as well as an action book. I rate this book 5 out of 5 stars!”


Ethan’s reflection of the book Road Trip by Danny Parker

Dad:“It will take one hour.” Boy: “Dad, Dad, when is one hour?”

Kindergarten read the story Road Trip by Danny Parker. It is the journey of a boy and his Dad from their house to the beach. The journey only takes one hour, but the young boy thinks that it is a long and boring road trip until his Dad convinces him otherwise.

Year One

We looked at the artist Keith Haring and the way he expressed himself through his art. Keith showed that people were moving, or dancing, by drawing movement lines in his pictures.

Summer Reading Challenge

Log your Summer reading and earn points for your House over the holidays. Extra house points will be added for the first four places. 20 points 1st place, 15 points 2nd, 10 points 3rd and 5 points for 4th

Nikki Bowden | Teaching and Learning Librarian.

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