From the Head of the Junior School

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School,

We are very proud of the boys and how much they have grown this semester, a result of their enthusiasm, application, independence, resilience, good guidance, and support from home. The boys have demonstrated learning in the classroom, other learning environments, in their character and in their relationships. Semester reports capture and detail this growth and were made available yesterday. Teaching staff and your son put a great deal of effort into ensuring that each report does justice to his achievement and his application of various approaches to learning throughout the semester. If there are any points of clarification, feel free to address these to the relevant teacher at the commencement of Semester 2. Please discuss your son’s report with him and note his own voice in his self-reflections which can be the basis for setting goals for the second half of the year. I congratulate all of the boys on their growth and thank the teaching and support staff for their commitment to enabling the development of every boy.

Mr Hassall will be taking well-earned Long Service Leave for the duration of Term 3. In his absence, the Head Master has invited Mrs Ormes to step-up into the position of Acting Deputy Head of Junior School, and Mr Hoare to assume many of Mrs Ormes’ regular responsibilities as Acting Curriculum Coordinator. This is a wonderful opportunity for both staff members and the Junior School will be well served through their appointment to these acting positions. In order to facilitate these changes, Mr Hoare will share the role of 6H Class Teacher with Ms Baines. We wish these teachers well in adjusted roles and Mr Hassall a well-deserved chance to be refreshed after many years of service to the boys and staff of the School.

There is a lot to celebrate in sporting pursuits over the last fortnight. Twenty of our boys along with fifteen from the Preparatory School return this afternoon after touring the North Coast. The boys have given a great account of themselves on and off the field and by all reports have been terrific ambassadors and travel companions. Well done! Last week, Daniel Simpson, Jayden Bechara and Jonah Chan represented IPSHA at the CIS Cross Country and ran magnificently. Daniel is to be particularly commended for finishing second (the fastest IPSHA runner) and qualifying for the next level of championships, a wonderful reward for consistent performances across the CAS running season. Also, last weekend Kobe Harb won the 2021 ACT State Championship in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu, a sport in which he has been training and competing with incredible success for a number of years. Well done to all our sportsmen!

We have worked hard in recent weeks to ensure boys understand expectations for winter and sport uniforms. Parents are asked to ensure that all matters of uniform are attended to prior to the first day of term. Some aspects such as hairdressing and dry-cleaning require parent assistance. If any items need updating or replacing, now is a great time to do so.  

Interest in co-curricular activities has again been very strong. Emails confirming the offering of places for Term 3 activities have been sent today. Most of the over 600 expressions of interest have been accommodated. However, many activities have also been over-subscribed, so selection criteria have been applied to ensure many boys are getting a variety of opportunities. Boys who were unsuccessful in their application in Term 2 have usually been prioritised for next term, a preferencing that will continue to apply as we undertake this process each term. Most activities commence in Week 2 although administrators of some sporting activities will be in touch if their activity is to start in Week 1. Any late applications will now not be considered until the beginning of next term.   

Term 3 begins for students on Tuesday 13 July after a Staff Development Day on Monday. I wish all our Trinity Junior School students and families a safe and refreshing break. Vacation Care is available at Strathfield across the holidays and can be booked through OSHClub.

Mark Dunn | Head of the Junior School


The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory. I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.

Romans 12:16-18

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