From the Head of the Preparatory School

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Yesterday I wrote to parents to share some updates about remote learning as we head into next week and beyond. I hope that parents have taken time to watch the video that was contained in that email. In case you haven’t had the chance, here is the link again.

The following is a brief summary of my correspondence:

  • Balance continues to be critically important as we continue. I encouraged parents to exercise their parental judgement and discretion if they feel the balance is off. Please stay in contact with the class teacher about this.
  • Additional interactive teaching and learning sessions are being added for Kindergarten to Year 4 next week, immediately following the morning check-in.
  • These sessions will be with individuals and small groups. Students are expected to attend as requested by their class teacher, however, no student will be online for the entirety of any of the sessions.
  • Interactive sessions will focus on differentiated instruction such as reading groups.

Grandparents’ Week

It has been lovely to see evidence of the students taking the time to connect with their grandparents throughout the week. Grandparents play such a key role in the lives of young people and this has been clear through the images and videos that have been sent in. Please enjoy this sample below.

Jump Rope

This week has also been something of a culmination of our recent Jump Rope challenge. It has been so encouraging to see so many images and videos of the students skipping. To be honest, it has brought back many childhood memories. Earlier this week, some of the staff put together a video to inspire the boys as they were challenged with the task of creating a class Jump Rope video. It was great to try out some of my old tricks although it is fair to say that age is catching up with all of us!

Here is a video that we have created that showcases the class videos that have been created. Well done boys!

Book Week

Next week we are looking forward to celebrating Book Week. There are a host of activities planned but my favourite is the annual Book Parade! Rather than gathering for this on the top court, we will instead be hosting grade parades that will be hosted on a Teams meeting. I hope that the fun of creating an outfit can provide some enjoyment this weekend for the boys. Who knows, perhaps some of the parents will join in?! The timetable for the grade Book Parades is as follows:

  Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday
8:45am Kindy Year 1 Year 3 Year 5
9:15am PK Year 2 Year 4 Year 6

Your son’s class teacher will make you aware of when the grade Book Parade will take place.

The theme for this year’s Book Week is ‘Old World, New Worlds, Other Worlds’. Mrs Nel and the Library Team have created a video to share all of the activities that are taking place across next week that the boys can get involved in. More information can be found at this link.

Three-way conferences

Three-way conferences are a learning focused conversation that takes place between each student, their parent/s and their teacher and occur twice each year. These conferences have been planned for the end of this term. Given the current period of remote learning, and the uncertainty about how long it will last, we have decided to run these conferences on Friday 27th August. Information will be provided to parents in the coming week about how to book an appointment for your three-way conference on this day. Given class teachers will be engaged in conferences throughout the day, there will be no class-based learning experiences or class check-ins on this day. Students will still be able to work through their specialist learning experiences and Time For More activities on this day.

Auxiliary Annual General Meeting 

Next Wednesday we will be holding the Strathfield Auxiliary Annual General Meeting where we will elect and /or confirm positions of responsibility on the Auxiliary for the following year. The meeting will take place via Microsoft Teams at 2:00pm on Wednesday 11th August. 

To join the meeting, simply click on this link

Learning highlights from Week 3

There have been some wonderful learning moments across this week. Here are just a few of the highlights.

Pre-K have continued to marvel at the wonder of new life as they have watched on as the ducklings have hatched.

Here is a link to a video.

Students have been having great fun turning their living rooms in Music and Art studios.

Year 2 have designed mascots for the recently announced 2032 Olympics in Brisbane.  


“Now we see but a poor reflection as in a mirror; then we shall see face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I am fully known.”

1 Corinthians 13:12

Chris Wyatt | Head of the Preparatory School

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