Volleyball vs St Aloysius’ College

Volleyball vs St Aloysius’ College

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius’ 3-0 (25-11, 25-11, 25-15)

This week’s fixture saw the first compulsory game of the season, which the boys were eager to experience. The match began with a constant back and forth between the two sides until Blake Plavsic (12WH) asserted his dominance through the middle with multiple cross court swings. Patrick Mansfield (11Ke) shined like the libero jersey with his debut performance, passing and swinging cleanly. Like his parking, Samuel Vickery (12WJ) stood out particularly with his powerful swinging throughout the match.

The second set gave birth to Martin Wong’s (11Ta) crowd enjoyment, with his powerful hitting sparking life into the team’s energy. Oscar Van Hal (12Mu) furthered this momentum with his multiple ace serves, finding the feet (literally) of the opposition. Edward Feng (12Yo) also performed well with consistent blocking form, preventing the opposition from getting the ball over. The hitting combination of Keagan Tran (11WH) and Steven Yarad (11Mu) was also a force to be reckoned with, as their connection proved fatal for the opposition blockers.

The final set saw many highlights with the boys eager to close out the set. Alex Saba (11WJ) and Josh Munter (10Hi) embodied this with their quality defence and front court supremacy, showing their high potential to reach in the year(s) to come. Joel Matthei (12La) also came back to reveal his hitting prowess from position four proving vital in closing out the set.

Ben Powell (12Ho) | 1st VI Captain

Trinity Defeat St Aloysius’ 3-0 (25-13, 25-15, 25-11)

Coming off a tough loss last game against Sydney Boys High, Trinity were looking to bounce back and win the CAS premiership this season. Our first game for the CAS season was against an improved St Aloysius’ side, who gave the team a bit of a scare throughout the game. However, Trinity were able to prevail and eventually win the game.

The first set started off with a ton of energy, from both the bench and those on court. This, along with consistent defensive and offensive efforts from Michael Park (11Yo) allowed Trinity to take an early lead. Unfortunately, some unforced errors from the team eventually brought the score back to a draw. This deadlock was finally broken by Jim O’Brien (12WJ) who went on a large serving streak, creating the momentum that Trinity needed. From here, the team was able to play as we have been the past few weeks, helping us to take the first set.

The second set didn’t start so well, with several unforced errors and missed serves. It was only until David Tsai (11Ho) hit a banger into the other side of the court that Trinity was able to get the ball rolling. Keshav Baldeo (11He) was also able to fix up the team’s defence with his excellent pickups and hustle, keeping the team afloat. Smart decisions and placement of the ball from Tyrone Ponggun (11WH) provided the team with confidence and a lead which Trinity was able to hold on to to win the set.

The final set was where Trinity was able to play our best. Eric Mihas (11La) was able to create the best opportunities for our spikers by deceiving the opposing blockers, and served many aces to give Trinity the early lead. Josh Munter (10Hi) became a cannon in the final set, producing possibly the play of the game where he smashed the ball right through the blockers’ hands right into the middle of the court. This play gave Trinity energy, which also saw Patrick Mansfield (11Ke) produce an equally amazing spike right down the middle of the court. 

Overall, this game was an interesting one, with several good moments and some things we could improve on for the next game. Despite our mistakes, it was still a great start to the CAS season and to our run for the CAS Premiership.

Keagan Tran (11WH) | 2nd VI Captain

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius’ 2-1 (25-12, 21-25, 25-17) 

This weekend, the 3rds took a win in our hands at home against St Aloysius’. 

We took the first set with some solid serving, Tom Mackie (11La), especially with his flat, spinny serves. We had also incorporated the communication we have been practicing which was shown to really stand out with Tom Geronikos (11Hi) yelling for some balls.

We did lose the second set, but we put in a lot of effort trying to make game-winning scores which were set out by Andy Lee (12Fo) who continuously drove the ball from opposite. At the same time, Matthew De Belle (11Sc) ran some incredible quicks from Jeremy Chia (11Wh) who put it up with ease. 

In the third set we cruised and won from more successful serving this time from Anthony Le (11He) who kept getting no-touch aces on them. We also saw some straight down hits from Sam Thanopoulos (12Hi) which bounced so fast, there were no blocks on any of the hits.

We played some very promising volleyball despite dropping a set. 

Scott Feng (10Yo) | 3rds VI Captain

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius’ 2-1 (25-12, 25-23, 13-15)

Last Saturday the 16As from Trinity faced off with Aloysius in the Indigenous round and came away with a big win 2-1. During this game, there were many highlights and tensions from both sides.

In the first set, and throughout the whole game, Max Lusty (10Sc) had consistently strong serving. This greatly helped Trinity in winning the first two sets. The passing row led by Xavier Hatcher (10Ke) played brilliantly and gave consistent passes to the setter, along with them the Trinitarian outsides stole the show with Gabe Peixerio Simoes (10Sc), Zac Nguyen (10Ta) and Sam Newton (10WJ) hitting crisp balls all over the court. Our middle blocker Shivam Wadhera (10Ke) also hit well through the entire set. 

The second set did not go as well with team morale not as noticeable as in the first set, Trinity just came away with the win with 25-23 through excellent serving and massive hits that sealed the win for Trinity.

The third set came, and Saint Aloysius’ brought new energy to their game for the last set which was equalled by Trinity in the few last points by stunning serves that kept us in the game but even that was not enough to take it home, the set finished 15-13 with Aloysius’ taking the last set. 

In conclusion, it was a great game of volleyball, and many lessons were learnt for the entire team to seal the victory. I am excited to see how far we can go in the CAS competition.

Kyle Tran (10WH) | 16 As Captain

Trinity Defeated St Aloysius’ 3-0

This Saturday’s game against Alo’s was an extremely strong game for the 16 Bs. Coming off of last week’s loss, Trinity came back and fought well for the win, showing determination and commitment to the team.

The first set started off really strong from Trinity, with great passing and serving from Jet Lin (9We) and with Liam Sandilant (10Hi) at the net making sure all of Trinity’s sets went in, we were able to take the set extremely comfortably.

The second set was possibly the Bs best set yet, with the whole team really stepping up, deciding that they wanted to confirm this win. Some great serving, passing, and just all-round exception from Mitchell Reid-Queeney (9Ar) and Matthew Warrilow (10Yo) allowed us completely run away with the game, not allowing Alo’s any chance of winning, and securing us the game.

The third set allowed the team to have some more fun with the game, trying to get in the dig, set, spike every point and play the game as properly as possible. Evan Tong (10Fo) and Max Lau (9Ar) played extremely good games throughout all three sets, and a special shoutout to Aidan Kouch (9La), who even after missing the first half of the term due to camp, came back confident and showed exceptional passing and teamwork, allowing Trinity to confirm the third set and hence the full game wipe.

This game was definitely Trinity’s best game from the season so far, and hopefully we can continue this CAS season with many more wins, hoping to leave the season as premiership winners.

Noah Blomfield (10Fo) | 16Bs Captain

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