Sport News | Preparatory School

Sport News | Preparatory School


2nds | Marcus Chiam

For Round 6 of Football, the Trinity Preparatory 2nds team played The Scots College. Coming into this game after a loss against Shore School in Round 5, the 2nds team were prepared for battle. The first half started with Scots College challenging our defence. Adding pressure to the defence unit, they scored their first goal early in the game. Our team was lacking concentration as the weather was freezing. We tried to score in this half but ended up unsuccessful. The half ended with the Prep 2nds down by one. The score so far was 1-0, Scots’ way. During the halftime break, we were given meaningful advice. Also, we prepared ourselves for the next half that was awaiting us. After the break, the second and final half commenced, with Scots taking two goals within the first ten minutes. Their lead was a massive three points. Our hope was slowly fading away. However, Lucas Fitzroy gave a confidence booster for the entire team, and booted the ball into the top left-hand corner of the goal. The score was 3-1, with Scots still leading. Then again, we built an attack and reached the opponent’s half that added extra pressure on Scots. A corner was given to our team, and we were successful in scoring another goal. Kescharan Ketheswaran received the corner kick and belted it into the goal. The Prep 2nds were on fire in the last ten minutes of the match. Unfortunately, though, Scots came back for revenge and scored another goal to lead the game by two points. The Prep 2nds slightly ran out of time to stick up a draw with Scots, or even win! If we were given ten more minutes, it was certain that we could have won the game. The final score was 4-2, with Scots winning this amazing game. Despite another loss, we as a team improved in passing the ball into space, rather than always passing to a teammate’s foot, and passing backwards to free up space for our players to obtain the ball and keep the opposition away. With all the positives though, we still have room for development. Our next steps are to get straight into the match with our brains switched on, rather than not being focused and ready. Thank you to everyone involved with the Prep 2nds match last week!!

3rds | Jaemin Yoo and Aiden Coelho 

On the 29th of May, on one of the coldest mornings we have ever faced, Trinity were up against Scots. It was so excruciatingly cold that we had subs on basically every five minutes. It felt like our fingers would abandon us and fall off. And our ears, just a little touch would make it hurt like crazy. It was a hard game. Scots kept on scoring. Something that we could work on would be to get back to our half of the pitch quicker, which is why we have been focusing a lot on that in training. Roderick saved a few goals, but Scots scored more. We kept pushing upwards. We had some close shots from Marcus, Preston, and Aiden, but none of them succeeded. 

In the second half, we started to get used to the temperature and played a bit better. The striker of our Opponent team was super tall and strong. Almost all of the balls coming to the defenders could not be blocked! But Alexander did a great job and saved some of them. A lot of our players have improved since our last game, it was obvious. Someone from Scots tried to boot it into the goal, but Preston, who had switched for Rod, saved it, consequently hitting his eye, but he pushed through by being a risk-taker. We kept pushing the ball up the pitch, but never scored a single7 goal. And, when we had the chance to score, scots just booted it back to our side. We kept switching positions and gaining strengths in those, but Scots pushed past us and scored more goals. In the end, as you may presume, we lost, by 8-0. At least it wasn’t as bad as our first game (which was 16-0). We let in 8 less goals. We thanked Scots for a great game and talked about improvements. Then some of us drove over to Cooke Park for a hot dog sizzle.

5A | Domenic Alvaro

The 11A’s were very eager to play this weekend from the very inspirational win from sport in the third round. In the first half of the game we played hard and had many opportunities and chances to put the ball in the back of the net, unfortunately we hadn’t had the right touch on the ball to put it in. The Junior school had sneaked past our defences line and managed to fake the goalie and score a goal to make it 1-0 their way. From there on we didn’t let them have a single chance to be in our half. We were pressuring them and trying to crack the defensive positioning. In the second half we played much better and had over ten chances to score but we didn’t quite get it. We had exceptional passes. The junior school had managed to get past the line of defence once more, but Joshua Tsang chased down the ball and stopped the player having any shot at the goal. Overall, I think we did an outstanding job and played very well. I think that we should practise our shooting and accuracy more and control the ball, not just kick it out when there is a chase or offensive pressure.

5B | Kevin Wang

This Saturday was the best game all season by far. We lost 2-1 to Arden. Man of the match goes to Massimo for amazing defensive work. Encouragement goes to Joshua for not only scoring our only goal but amazing work in the wings and getting the ball upfield.

Remembered the name Mr Gosper thanks.

4A | August Li

This weekend on Saturday 29th of May 2021, Trinity Prep 4As received a well-deserved second win of the season so far. The score was 2-0 against Scots. The formation was 3-2-1. What we learnt in training (crossing) came to great use because both of the goals that we scored were from someone crossing it in. The first goal was from a corner from the other team, the passed it straight to Paul (left-mid), then Paul dribbled to the top, went between 2 defenders, crossed it in to Leon (striker) and then Leon smacked it right in bottom left corner. The second goal was scored when Jayden (goalkeeper) passed it to Nicholas (centre-back) who made a long pass to August (left-mid). August dribbled to the corner, crossed it in, Paul (right mid) took a shot, but a defender got in the way causing the keeper to fall on the floor and bounce over to George (striker). George then got the ball, cut it to the goal and the keeper was still on the floor and he couldn’t reach George. George then just tapped it in. This goal was great because almost every player in Trinity Prep touched the ball. Great teamwork. Well done boys! Keep it up!

4C | Matthew Della Torre

This week the U10 C1 team were playing against Scots. We all played well as a team this week but unfortunately, we weren’t able to get a win as the score was 2-8. Daniel managed to score a goal in the first half and then in the second half, Julian scored a goal. Also, in the first half of the game, it was a tie of 1-1. In the second half, Scots scored 7 goals which was surprising that we got the ball up the field a couple of times but then they just kicked it out of where we were. Even though we lost we enjoyed a yummy sausage sizzle after the game. Great team effort, guys and I hope you enjoyed the game!

4D | Aarav Sharma

The 4D’s have won for the 4th time in a row!!! And this time against The Scots College!

The first goal was by Isaac Lui when he kicked it into an opposition player, the ball rebounding into the goal. For our second goal, Marcus Du dribbled it all the way up and scored a beauty! Our third goal came in when Marcus and I kicked it almost at the same time. Marcus really got it in- scoring his second goal!  The fourth was when the Scots’ goalkeeper (David) kicked the ball in, and Richard Conomos shot it straight to score!! It was simply outstanding! The score at the whistle was 4-0!

Scots tried hard but it was not enough to break our Great Wall of Trinity- Oliver Cardiff, Johnny Huang, Owen Callaghan, Isaac Lui, Richard Conomos, Richard Wang, Andy Xu, Kerry Chen, Marcus Du and me!


1st | Levi Mikheil

At Rugby, 1st 15 we played St Pius X, the score was 40- 10. We were playing good at the start of the game at a 5-point lead then they got way in front of us by heaps of points, the first try was by Oliver Varone. Also, Hugh was good at getting the big boys down in the first half and so was Makoto. In the second half Jaden set up a try from making a good pass to Louis and he scored the second try in the last seconds of the game. What we did well, was we did well to get the ball out to the backs. We also did well at, staying focused at the start of the game and the last thing that we did well was we still played our best through the whole game. The things we need to work on is staying focused during the whole game, trying to commit all of our tackles and the last thing we need to work on is trying more rhino ball in the rucks and holding the ball for more phases. 


Year 5 / 6 Navy | Matthew Nguyen

Score: 6 – 0

In the game, communication was very effective, and we did it very well. We saw Joshua set up a goal so that Oliver could shoot which I think was very kind of him. 

Year 5 / 6 Pink

On Saturday 29th May 2021, early in the morning it was a cold sunny day, and we were doing our Saturday sport game. Our team was the red team: Oscar H, Jeremiah, Riley, Danny and I, as well as Jeffrey from the junior school. We were versing the junior school.

In the first half Oscar and I were the defenders with Riley and Jeffrey were strikers. There were multiple times when the opposite team was coming towards us and Oscar kicked it to the other side which made everyone running towards it. Halfway through the first half I was a striker and Jeffrey managed to score a goal.

In the second half Jeremiah and Danny joined.  I was still a striker and there were multiple times in the game when I was so close to scoring a goal. A little bit later Jeffrey was going towards the opposite team’s goal and he managed to kick it in the goal! Jeremiah also scored 2 goals.

Overall: our team won 4/0 our way.

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