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Trinity Connection High Tea

In June, the Trinity Connection – a Trinity community group comprised of past parents and carers of boys who attended Trinity – came together for a High Tea event.  A welcome reprieve from the cooler weather, guests were warmed by each other’s company as they enjoyed an array of treats – mini sandwiches, gourmet sausage rolls and pies, [...]

Over 600 gifts towards the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship this Giving Day | Thank you

Thank you Trinity | Just under $280K raised from more than 650 Donors Overall our 2024 Giving Day raised $278,321 for the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship Fund. Thank you to our 653 donors, and many more members of our community who contributed, including: Our volunteer team who gave their time to made hundreds of calls [...]

Every donation counts this Giving Day | Giving Day June 13, 2024

In a year where the cost of living continues to rise, digging deep for Trinity’s 2024 Giving Day can feel more difficult than in years past. But it’s times like these when scholarships matter the most.  For many families, sending their son to Trinity Grammar School is a goal that is financially out of reach. [...]

A year on – reflecting on the establishment of the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship Fund | Giving Day June 13, 2024

Last year’s Giving Day was focused on creating the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship Fund and now, a year later, Mrs Debbie Niulala speaks on the support she and her family received throughout the campaign and what it’s like to see the scholarship in action.  Creating a new scholarship fund is no easy task but it [...]

Finding scholarship recipients a ‘bittersweet’ process | Giving Day June 13, 2024

What do you do when there’s only one scholarship and hundreds of applicants? Mr James Leckie, Head of Enrolments at Trinity Grammar School, knows that one family’s great joy and excitement doesn’t come without the disappointment for many others.  Formally established through Trinity’s 2023 Giving Day campaign, the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship Fund was created [...]

Giving Day donations are for generations to come | Giving Day June 13, 2024

The families of current scholarship recipients know all too well the power of a scholarship, but they also know just how much of an impact your donations this Giving Day can have on future generations – in their own family and beyond. At Trinity Grammar School, there are a range of scholarships on offer, all [...]

Keep on giving the gift of a Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship | Giving Day, Thursday June 13

Trinity Grammar School launches 2024 Giving Day: Standing Together Community focus on funding Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship in perpetuity On Thursday the 13th June, Trinity's annual Giving Day will raise funds to continue the Suli Niulala Memorial Scholarship. For last year's Giving Day the School community set their sights high, seeking a million dollars, knowing [...]

I spy with my little eye … 

Something beginning with O. Opportunity.  Lying is rarely a good idea. But if you must tell a lie, the last person you should lie to is Julian Claxton.  The Class of ’90 Trinitarian is an expert on deceptive behaviour.  He is also an authority on spying - so he is the man to see if [...]

A fateful night over Germany

“Worthy son of Trinity” remembered Like all Bomber Command crew, Allan “Jock” Farrar knew his chances of surviving one tour of duty were less than 40 per cent. They believed that although skill and experience were important in ensuring survival, in the end it was luck that decided their fate. Farrar’s luck ran out on [...]

How students grow into teachers 

“Longevity is the key” to good relationships  If James Leckie ever feels he has spent his entire life at Trinity, well … he just about has.  He joined the School as an eight-year-old, and four decades later he is still here. He has never left. In all those years he has either been a student [...]