From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

Sport has the … power to inspire … to unite people in a way that little else does. It speaks to youth in a language they understand.

– Nelson Mandela

There has been a significant change to our proposed arrangements for Week 5.

Following the Premier’s announcement this week, scheduled sport training resumes on Campus for all students in Year 7-11 from Monday 1 November. For most students, there will be no Saturday commitment on 6 November.

As a result, the option to depart the campus at 12.40pm for Year 7 to Year 10 will no longer be available. The 12.40pm ‘bus service will discontinue. With the additional gear that will be required, your son may access his locker from next week, and, as a result the dispensation to bring a non-Trinity day pack will cease.

There is also a slight change to the departure time for Middle School students who will now be dismissed at 3.30pm each day in Week 5.

Illness – if your son is showing any signs or symptoms of cold or ‘flu he must not attend School. Please visit a COVID-19 Clinic, have a test, and keep him at home until his results have been confirmed, and you have informed the Health Centre. If your son is waiting for a test result or is isolating because he is a close contact, but is otherwise well, the Remote Access to Learning Protocol may be accessed here T | 9581 6023 E |

Vaccination – the School encourages all eligible students to be vaccinated. Please update your son’s Medical Record with his Vaccination Certificate Vaccination Certificate

Masks – all Middle and Senior School students are required to wear a mask indoors and moving between classes. Masks are not mandatory outdoors. Masks are to be either plain black cloth, or pale blue or white disposable surgical masks.  

Transport – the normal Trinity ‘bus services will continue to operate.

Hours – Middle School students will be dismissed at 3.30pm in Week 5 to facilitate a staggered departure, minimise cross cohort mingling, and social distancing.

Year 11 – timetabled Study Hall periods in Period 1 and Period 6 have been cancelled to facilitate a staggered arrival and departure. If your son has a timetabled Study Hall, he may arrive from 9.20am and should proceed directly to Period 2 on arrival and/or he may leave immediately after Period 5 at 2.45pm.

Year 10 – Timetabled supervision and support will be provided for Year 10 students who will remain on campus for their online learning on Tuesday and Thursday afternoon in Week 5.

Drop off and pick up – if you are bringing and/or collecting your son by car, please remain in your vehicle in the carpark. The carpark is likely to be very busy. Please be patient and follow the directions of the staff.

To ease the likely congestion and limit any potential inconvenience for the local residents, and particularly if you are coming from the southern suburbs, the Council and Police have advised us that we may encourage you to drop your son(s) off on Old Canterbury Rd, adjacent to Yeo Park, and he may then walk the final 300m or so to the Campus.

Cafeteria – the cafeteria will not be open in Week 5. Your son will need to bring his own food for the day. No student may use a food delivery service to have his morning tea or lunch delivered.

Sport – timetabled sport will recommence for all students in Week 5.

Music – there will be no face-to-face individual or small group Music tuition or rehearsal in Week 5.

Library – the Library will be closed before school, after school, at morning tea and at lunch time.

Quad Assembly, Assembly and Chapel – to facilitate social distancing and reduce cross cohort mingling, Quad Assembly, Middle and Senior School Assembly, and Chapel will not be held in Week 5.

Mingling and Social Distancing – whilst it is impossible in a secondary school setting to prevent casual contact across cohorts, each Year Group has been allocated an area to gather and mingle. Students should proceed directly to this area on arrival, at morning tea, and at lunchtime.

Year 7 – the Centenary Centre Precinct, including the Greek Theatre

Year 8 – No. 3 Oval (North)

Year 9 – No. 3 Oval (South)

Year 10 – No. 1 Oval, the Colonnade and the Western spectator seating

Year 11 – No. 1 Oval, the Colonnade and the Northern spectator seating

Bradley Barr | Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill


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