From the Head of the Preparatory School

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Welcome back to School!

Monday was such a great day as we welcomed Years 2, 3, 4 and 5 back to school and face to face learning. Being at school throughout Term 3 felt so strange, if not disheartening. It was just empty! There was no noise coming from the playground, the buildings were still and there was a lack of energy and dynamism. Whilst student learning continued online and I was highly productive in my office, the daily emptiness was a constant reminder of the fact that schools are nothing without the students. This week the heartbeat of the school returned!

Monday was also a fresh beginning for our Year 5 students as they took ownership of their new learning centre. It has been so exciting observing the Stage 3 students over the last two weeks as they have so naturally adapted to their new learning environments. Throughout the year we have been preparing the students for flexible personalised learning, our new teaching and learning approach in Stage 3. Now that the Year 5 and 6 Learning Centres have been completed, the boys (and teachers) have taken to them like ducks to water. They look comfortable, but more importantly, they are engaged, focused and demonstrating independence in their learning.

World Teachers’ Day

Today is World Teachers’ Day. Given the large amount of positive feedback I received from the School community over the last term, I realise I am preaching to the choir when I say that the Prep School is blessed with an amazing group of teachers. But I figure that such a day justifies me singing their praises…

I admire the professionalism of our teachers, the way they collaborate and plan, their work ethic and their creativity.

I am inspired by our teachers’ commitment to learning and growth, the students’ and their own.

I am encouraged by the teachers’ care, sense of fun and willingness to listen, all of which focuses on supporting the wellbeing of the learners, and one another.

Earlier this week, Mr Lever asked a few of the students what they thought about their teachers. I hope you enjoy this short video which serves as a reminder of how lucky our boys are to be under the care of the Prep teachers.

PYP Exhibition

The Year 6 students are currently immersed in their PYP Exhibition inquiries. They have identified a range of local and global issues related to the Central Idea, ‘Scientific innovation leads to ethical dilemmas that demand a justice-oriented response.’ Each of the groups is seeking to contact primary sources to ensure their research is current, accurate and relevant. If you know anyone that is an expert (or works in a related industry) we would love to hear from you. Please contact Mrs Kirsti Hitz-Morton if you have a contact that might be willing to have a Teams meeting with the groups investigating the following issues.

  • Finite Resources
  • Waste Management
  • Food Addiction
  • Space Exploration
  • Pandemic Response
  • Deforestation
  • Global Warming
  • Technology Addiction

School Leaders in 2022

Today we began the process of electing School Leaders for 2022. Electing boys to these roles is a difficult task due to the high number of quality candidates in Year 5. I met with the Year 5 boys to discuss the role of leaders within our School and have invited them to nominate for positions of interest. Together, we explored the theme of integrity and I encouraged them in the knowledge that people will have already noticed their positive influence and character. In the coming weeks we will seek the assistance of the boys in Years 2-6 and the teachers in voting for the boys that they think could serve the Preparatory School in positions of leadership for 2022.

Strathfield Auxiliary

Next Wednesday the final meeting of the Strathfield Auxiliary will be held at the local Profiterole Café beginning at 8:45am. I encourage interested parents to come along and participate. It is a great way to connect with other parents in the school and support the work of this organisation as it seeks to provide for the School community. Given the challenges we have faced recently with COVID restrictions, I look forward to connecting with parents as we reflect on the year and consider the year ahead.

IPSHA NetFit Saturday Sport program

Last weekend a number of students engaged in the first week of the NetFit program, a high intensity fitness session made available to IPSHA schools in the absence of the regular Saturday Sport competition. The program runs for four more weeks on Saturday mornings beginning at 10:00am. Each session runs for 50 minutes, is free to join and optional for all Prep students (all ages and all family members are free to join in). To join, simply follow the Zoom link contained within this flyer. Information is also provided about how you can help Trinity Prep reach the top of the leaderboard! I am pleased to say that after Week 1, Trinity sits on top of the leaderboard with 5500 points, followed by Tara and Danebank.

Chris Wyatt | Head of the Preparatory School

‘I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened in order that you may know the hope to which he has called you, the riches of his glorious inheritance in his holy people, and his incomparably great power for us who believe.’

Ephesians 1:18-19

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