How to report an absence from sport

How to report an absence from sport

Students are reminded of their responsibility to attend sport for all training sessions and each Saturday and the need to communicate in writing if there is an issue regarding attendance. A summary of the process for sport absence is listed below.

Mid-week training absence (one-off) in case of illness or injury:

  • Where boys are absent from school, an absentee notice via the School App is to be sent notifying the School of the day’s absence. No further sport notification is needed.
  • Where a student is present at school but unable to participate in sport (one-off):
    • Years 7 to 10 – a note is to be written in the student’s Record Book explaining the reason for non-participation. That note is to be shown to the coach or co-ordinator of the activity at the commencement of the session, after which the student should present to the Sport & Activities Office to have the note sighted and Record Book stamped, permitting access to study hall for the duration of the training period.
    • Years 11 to 12 – a note/email from the parent/guardian explaining the reason for non-participation is to be presented to the coach/co-ordinator on the training day.

Saturday absence (one-off) in case of illness, injury or exceptional circumstance:

  • Submit an absentee notice through the School App prior to the schedule fixture. The App notice is to be written by a parent/guardian and should explain the reason for the absence.  Failure to submit an app notification renders the absence unexplained, which has implications for our Duty of Care and student accountability. The sanction applied for unexplained absence on Saturday is a 3-hour detention

In the case of on-going or long-term injury:

  • Medical documentation explaining the nature of the injury (or illness) and the exclusion period is to be supplied to the Health Centre. The Health Centre staff will then communicate the exclusion period to the relevant staff/co-ordinators/coaches.
  • Students are expected to attend Saturday sport (where physically capable) and assist the team or training group (attendance at training will be dependent upon the nature of the injury and is to be discussed with the Director/Co-ordinator and Sports Master).

In the case of exceptional circumstances that are known in advance, such as a family commitment:

  • Parents/guardians are required to apply for leave to the Head of the Middle or Senior School at least seven days prior to the requested absence date. This can be done through the School App.

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