Library News | Junior School

Library News | Junior School

Summer Reading Challenge

During the holidays the Junior School organised some holiday reading challenges. Many boys took the time to read to family members (including to the family dog) and decide what genre the book should be categorised in and why. Here are some of the responses.

Andrew 1T

Book: HAPPY DRAGON 100,000 Why’s: Why Do Fireflies Glow in the Dark

Category: In an unusual place

Why you think it fits the category: A dragon that can produce fireballs and is able to answer all questions.


Aidan 5T

Book: The Burning Bridge Book 2 Ranger’s Apprentice by John Flanagan

Category: Balanced

Why you think it fits the category: I think that this book belongs in this section because of how Will Treaty, the protagonist, was balanced. I think that he was balanced because he was good at the bow and arrow, strategic thinking, throwing knives and climbing.


Terence 5B

Book: Genius Ideas, Tom Gates

Category: Humour

Why you think it fits the category: What made me read in the story that makes me think it belongs in this section because Marcus put his face in front of Tom’s face after a PE lesson and it was funny.

This week we have enjoyed the return of boys to the Library. It is great to see boys coming in before and after school to do some borrowing, reading or playing board games in the Library space.

Essential Agreement’ in the library

The return of lessons this week was about establishing the ‘Essential Agreement’ or the standard of expectation of behaviour for effective learning. This process is a shared conversation that is agreed between student and teacher for the Library space. K-3 used the metaphor of the traffic light, to help conceptualize the idea of red light and green light behaviour. ‘Red’ meaning stop, this behaviour is not to continue, ‘Green’ inferring go, this behaviour should continue. This was also framed around the themes of safety, caring and being curious in the library.

Years 4-6 framed their ‘Essential Agreement’ through the lens of ‘Things that hinder my learning’ and ‘Things that help my learning’. Boys have been able to suggest appropriate behaviours that will be conducive for effective learning for all.

Mrs Nikki Bowden | Teaching and Learning Librarian

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