Our Ethos

The Mission and Ethos of Trinity
Grammar School


To provide boys with a thoroughly Christian education in mind, body and spirit.


Informed by our Christian ethos, at Trinity every boy is individually known, cared for and guided to grow in mind, body and spirit.

Click above to watch a short video of
Headmaster Tim Bowden explaining the Trinity ethos.

"I have come that they may have life, and
have it to the full." John 10:10


Trinity is a learning community. The growth and development of the mind is a crucial concern. We use the concept of the ‘mind’ to speak about the learning that comes from the formal curriculum and the classroom.


Trinity is a community of movement. Students here move in a myriad of ways: on sports fields, on stage dramatically and musically, across chess boards, through water, in choirs, cadets and debates. Doing so, they develop discipline, resilience, healthy habits, and teamwork. Every student grows through this shared experience.


Trinity is a community of Christian faith. What makes Trinity tick, what sets its heart to beat is a humble response to God. In this humility of spirit, our boys are invited to grow as men of character and hope.

Trinity Offers


There are a breadth of challenging educational opportunities available to Trinitarians. We require and encourage them to lean into the challenges that they face, and to seek to overcome obstacles.


The School celebrates excellence in performance, but growth is the more important lens through which we look.

Supportive, caring community

Trinity strives to be a community that considers, includes, and cares for others. In partnership with families, we aim to ensure our students are adequately and appropriately supported, at whatever stage of their development, to give them every chance of experiencing success. They do not face their battles alone; their School is for them.


Our world needs men who are decent and trustworthy, and our School aims to play our role in shaping them. The true value of a Trinity education is seen in the character of our men in the years long after their graduation.


Detur gloria soli Deo (Let glory be given to God alone)

Chosen by the forefathers of the School in 1915, the motto evokes the
motive that lies behind all that this School has been and become through
its history. It continues to undergird and orient us still.

School Prayer

Heavenly Father,
We ask your blessing upon all who work in and for this School.
Grant us faith to grow spiritually, strength to grow bodily, and wisdom to
grow intellectually, Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


Sustainability at Trinity is broadly understood, centring on
environmental sustainability but also including wider issues
that contribute to sustainable human flourishing.

Our Christian foundation and convictions establish the importance
of caring for the created order. There are three overlapping lenses
through which we consider sustainability:

School Structure

Trinity Grammar School is an Anglican foundation. The School is
governed by a Council (appointed by ordinance of the Diocese of
Sydney). The Archbishop of Sydney is President.

The School is one of the original members of the Combined Associated
Schools in New South Wales. The other members in the Association are
Barker College, Cranbrook School, Knox Grammar School, St. Aloysius’
College and Waverley College.