
Music News | Junior School

Music acts like a magic key, to which the most tightly closed heart opens. ― Maria von Trapp

AMEB results

Congratulations to...

Awards for the Week

Congratulations to this week’s Junior School Award winners…   KW Arkie Hardwick-Miles Yoojune Lee Andrew Zhang 1K Asher Buultjens Zac Chirico Lucas Lieu 2R Andrew Cook Tommy Hoare Leo Hoang 3B Steven Antonio Jacob Bechara Sam Ingram 3N Leonidas...

Library News | Junior School

With everyone working remotely, I was keen to share with you some of the fantastic learning that the boys have...

News from The Arthur Holt Library

There are many challenges facing a library in lockdown, but none are more pressing than the need to provide access...

School cheers Aussie giant killers

School cheers on Aussie giant-killers A team closely linked to Trinity was always going to win, but thankfully for Aussie fans...

Murphy/Browning Olympic preview

It’s all about balance: Trinity Olympians Few athletes make it all the way to the Olympic 100 metres track under the...

From the Head Master

The inescapable impression emerging from the public health advice is that we are settling in for a long haul with...

From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to...