
Tennis Report vs Knox

Knox Grammar School away is historically a tough fixture, last weekend being no exception. In terms of results Knox won...

2022 ICAS Competitions – Call for entries, Year 3 to 6 students

If you would like your son to compete in the 2022 ICAS Competitions (Year 3 to 6 only), you will...

Debating News | Round 3


Last Friday, the Year 7 Trinity ISDA Debating team came through with a very helpful win. Trinity hosted...

International Women’s Day

As an International Baccalaureate school we aim to ‘develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a...

Student Absence Notice

The preferred channel to report an absence is via the School app. If your son requires a leave of absence...

Library News | Junior School

The 19th of March is the Sydney Harbour Bridge’s 90th birthday. Many activities have been planned in Sydney to celebrate...

Music News | Preparatory School

New Staff

This week the Music Department welcomed Mr Oliver Stanton to our Year 4 Band Program as a Flute Teacher....

Preparatory School Debating

The topic for this week was, That We Should Ban the Sale of Red Meat. Trinity was affirmative while Barker...

Volleyball Report vs Knox

Trinity defeated Knox 3-0 (25-15) (25-20) (25-15)

The Trinity 1sts shined last Saturday. The two highlights of this game saw...

From the Uniform Shop | Call For Green Blazers

Senior students requiring lines embroidery are asked to submit their blazers to the Uniform Shop before 4pm Friday, 1 April...