
Traffic Management Plan (Summer Hill Campus)

If you are bringing and/or collecting your son by car, please remain in your vehicle in the carpark. The carpark...

Music News | Preparatory School

Soloist Competition

The Preparatory School has twenty-six students entered in the Soloists Competition playing violin, cello, guitar, saxophone and piano. The...

Basketball CAS Round 3 versus Waverley

“Trinity outlast and out muscle Waverley in physical contest at Summer Hill.”

1st V

The Firsts kept their A.V. Smith Shield aspirations...

Snow Sports News

Snow Sports is an extra Co-curricular the School offers where boys can compete for Trinity within the Interschools Championships. Interschools...

Green Patch takes the cake

Why has Trinity's environmental specialist spent so much time, thought and effort baking a cake? Answer: to help her students understand...

From the Head Master

For a number of years it has been commonplace to note that our world is increasingly volatile, unpredictable, chaotic and...

Academic Focus

Learning with Understanding

Trinity’s approach to teaching and learning is student-centred. For us, this means we prioritise individual growth over comparison...

From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

With the disruption of the last two years and the cancellation or modification of many of the events that we...

Early Learning News | Reading together

In the Early Years, it is crucially important to read with your children each and every day for at least...