
Library News | Preparatory School

Prep Summer Reading Challenge

We can feel the excitement in the air about the 2021/22 Summer Reading Challenge. Below...

Water Polo Trials

Saturday, 20 November 2021

It was a fantastic feeling to return to the Trinity Centenary Centre Pool for...

Cadets | AFT Preparation Activity – Exercise Greenfield

Despite cloudy skies and cancelled Bivouac plans, our Recruit Cadet and Headquarters Companies attended Exercise Greenfield on Monday November 22...

Track and Field | NSW State Relays

Saturday, 20 November and Sunday, 21 November 2021

SOPAC – Main Stadium

Although a small club, it was...

Cricket News | 1st and 2nd XI Cricket Vs St Patrick’s

After a lengthy delay due to COVID restrictions, Trinity's 1st and 2nd XI Cricket players were finally able to dust...

News from The Arthur Holt Library

This week marked the culmination of the Year 10 Independent Projects. The boys submitted their final pieces on Thursday along...

Dates for the Diary | Junior School

Week 9

30 Nov Swimming Championships (8:30am – 2:15pm) 03 Dec Orientation Morning Y1-Y6 2022 03 Dec Year 6 Orientation Experience...

Music News | Junior School

“Music is uplifting, it’s encouraging, it’s strengthening.” – Aretha Franklin

AMEB and Eisteddfod success

Congratulations to the following boys for...

Music News | Preparatory School

Instrument Return

Year 2 students only who have been studying in the Compulsory Strings Program and are not undertaking...

Library News | Preparatory School

Summer Reading Challenge

We are very excited to announce the Summer Reading Challenge for this year! We are asking...