
From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, It is pleasing to have little to report to you this week other...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Week 6 Updates

This week has been another positive step forward as we have resumed a normal timetable with...

A quick note on App Notifications

If you’ve recently updated the app and are not seeing any notices, you may not be subscribed to the right...

News from The Arthur Holt Library

I think we can all agree that this year has been something of a challenge. In recognition of this, we...

Mother and Son Dinner

Years 7 to 12: cooking class or delivered, you choose

As COVID had challenged plans to gather for the...

Awards for the Week

Congratulations to this week’s Junior School Award winners...   KW Waseem Hijazi Lachlan McCarthy Lucas Yang 1K Marco Guan Gabriel Karlos Krishna Kotwal Neil Mohorikar 2R Aaron Cherian Peter Psaltis Mason Shi 3B Ryder Elsibai Nicholas Lim Daniel...

Trinity Prayer Group | Summer Hill Campus

Parents and friends continue to pray for our boys and the Junior and Senior School. In Term 3, we will meet via...

Music News | Junior School

"Without music life would B flat. Life is like a beautiful melody, only the lyrics are messed up" – Dulcinea Martinez  

Gelato Day | Thursday, 18 November

Order online by Friday, 12 November.

Flavours include: vanilla, mango and chocolate. $5 Online orders only (no cash accepted).