
Dates for the Diary | Junior School

Week 5

6 Nov IPSHA Netfit Zoom Session (10am) - voluntary

Week 6

10 Nov Y5 Incursion – Leadership...

Student Absence Notice

The preferred channel to report an absence is via the School app. If your son requires a leave of absence...

Traffic Management Plan (Summer Hill Campus)

If you are bringing and/or collecting your son by car, please remain in your vehicle in the carpark. The carpark...

Library News | Preparatory School

Library Borrowing

We are hopeful that as restrictions continue to ease, we will be able to welcome the boys...

Dates for the Diary

Full details of dates and times of co-curricular programmes, can be found in the diary...

Music News | Preparatory School

Tricks for tricky rhythms: Play at half speed

Denham Court Scholarship

Auditions for the Denham Court Scholarship for 2022 will...

Library News | Junior School

Borrowing is back!

The Library staff are always thrilled to hear from the boys about their reading experiences. This week...

Strathfield Auxiliary Christmas Cake Fundraiser

Order your delicious Italian Christmas Cake! $45 each   Choose from plain or chocolate cream. Remember to place your order before Wednesday, 3...

Year 5 boys take over Trinity’s marketing and enrolments

As part of a unit studying advertising, Year 5 boys explored how persuasive techniques are used to sell products and...

From the Head Master

As the second week of the return to School draws to a conclusion, I find myself very thankful on a...