
From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

The Lord is near. Do not be anxious about anything … (and) the peace of God which transcends all understanding...

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, Yesterday’s Junior-lympics were spectacular and the volume of responses suggested that it was...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Yesterday I wrote to parents to share some updates about remote learning as we head into next week and beyond....


Forget the action in Tokyo, Junior School athletes commanded all the attention in their families and school houses on Thursday...

Breakfast meeting ‘egg’citement

Middle School Fathers got into the Trinity spirit this past week, sharing breakfast and time with their sons. It’s the...



Looking forward, looking back

It has been wonderful speaking with boys about their post-school plans. Our students’ interests are wide...

Debating – CAS Round 2


On 30 July, the CAS 7B team debated against a strong Barker team on the topic that...

Co-curricular life goes on in lockdown

From sport to music and other activities like debating and chess, Co-curricular subjects have been powering ahead during lockdown, providing...

Coping with COVID

Timely tips from two School Captains

Talk to your mates and family, stick to a routine, remain positive, stay active,...

Library News | Preparatory School

Book Week

Book Week is run by the Children’s Book Council of Australia (CBCA) and is a time for celebrating...