
Music News | Preparatory School

Increasing Performance Confidence Tips:


Year 4 Band Program

Mr Malyusz and some of the other Instrumental Music...

Science Week

Just when you thought the excitement was soon to be over.....Olympics finished, Book Parade ticked off.... the STEAM team brings...

Trinity Prayer Group | Strathfield Campus

Parents and friends, we will continue to pray for our boys and the Prep school in Term 3. Dates for Term 3, 2021: Tuesday,...

Awards for the Week

Congratulations to this week’s Junior School Award winners…   KW Waseem Hijazi William Kang Kiaan Verma 1K Reuben Dhar Cristian Kuman Spencer Rose 2R Zayn Barakat Kyrie Kottakis Max Lamb Aydin Saeed 3B Ian Deng William Millena Omar...

Library News | Junior School

I want to share with you Year 5’s Library lesson this week. I have included the information that was provided...

Finding a place at Trinity

Each student is different – a different set of interests, hobbies, abilities, hopes, and fears.

Dates for the Diary

Full details of dates and times of co-curricular programmes, can be found in the diary...

Trinity Prayer Group | Summer Hill Campus

Parents and friends continue to pray for our boys and the Junior and Senior School. In Term 3, we will meet via...

Student Absence Notice

The preferred channel to report an absence is via the School app. If your son requires a leave of absence...