
Dates for the Diary

Full details of dates and times of co-curricular programmes, can be found in the diary...

Library News | Junior School

We have displayed some powerfully emotive picture books in the Library this week that highlight the importance of Reconciliation Week....

Music News | Junior School

Beethoven tells you what it’s like to be Beethoven and Mozart tells you what it’s like to be human. Bach...

Library News | Preparatory School

Prep Book Swap

Last Wednesday we had our first Prep Book Swap to raise money for the Kunbarlanja Indigenous Community...

Music News | Preparatory School

Tips for rehearsals with accompanist: 

Know your score and give clear upbeats in the tempo you MEAN!

Studio Concerts

Congratulations to...

Sport News | Preparatory School


2nds | Marcus Chiam

For Round 6 of Football, the Trinity Preparatory 2nds team played The Scots College. Coming...

Prep Canteen News

Canteen will only be available for students through FlexiSchools. There will be no use of physical money.

Introducing the Eco Warriors

Here at the Prep School we are fortunate to have boys that are passionate about taking action and making a...

New link to parent survey

Please complete the School's parent survey.