
Cross County Report | Meet 1 vs Waverley and St Aloysius’ – 30 April 2022

Last weekend saw the cross-country squad head to Upjohn Park for the Sydney Grammar Invitational. This was the qualification event...

Rugby vs St. Pius X College

Trial against St. Pius X

The continued rainfall saw several of our fixtures cancelled due to ground closures. However, thanks...

Debating News | FED Debating Semi-Final

YEAR 7 FED B report – Newington College v Trinity

This debate was nerve wracking. The type of debate that made...

Football News | Week 4

Football Report Week 4, Term II, 2022

On Saturday 14 May, Trinity hosted Knox Grammar in the Opens, Year 10, and...

Sports News | Preparatory School

Round 3 First XI Football vs. Cranbrook

The review of the most recent game against Cranbrook is as follows: This week was...

Tennis Round 3 vs Knox

As is often the case, last weekend's fixture against Knox proved to be a difficult encounter due to their depth...

Music News | Preparatory School

Strings Soiree

Congratulations to all staff and students who were involved in the Strings Soiree last Monday night. The evening was...

From the Sportsmaster | Junior School

Dear Parents, Unfortunately, much of our sport programme succumbed to the wet weather last week, however, we still had a full...

Cross Country Report | Meet 3 – Kings

Beneath the crystal-blue skies that heralded a great weekend for sport, King's was hiding a dirty secret. Really dirty: enough...