
Preparation for Ceremonial Parade

After being restricted to classrooms last week due to bad weather, it was good to have the whole Unit on...

Olympic pipeline primed for Paris

Trinity’s pathway to the field of dreams The Olympic flame burns brightly at Trinity – so much that the dazzle of...

Rugby vs Oakhill College

Trial against Oakhill College

This weekend saw the men in green and white head out to Castle Hill to take...

Football News | Week 3

Football Report Week 3, Term II, 2022

With some dry weather last week, the majority of Football was able to take...

Sports News | Preparatory School

Football 12B Report

The game started with a fast pace and we were immediately under pressure. 2 quick goals by the...

Trinity AFL

CAS Round 2 | Friday, 6 and Saturday, 7 May 2022

The Trinity AFL teams were spread far and wide...

Debating News | ISDA Octos 1 and FED Quarter-Final

Year 7 ISDA: R. Coneliano, O. Ang, R. Qin, E. Urbano

YEAR 7 ISDA report – Trinity v St. Joseph’s College


Tennis Round 2 vs St Aloysius’ College

Round 2 of the Winter competition was contested last weekend against St Aloysius'. It was in fact great to get...

Music News | Preparatory School

Strings Soiree

All String ensembles and selected soloists will be performing at the Strings Soiree in the Gym on Monday 16th...