
Music News | Preparatory School

Private Tuition Policy

It is School Policy that students who are enrolled in the Private Tuition Programme at Trinity do not...

CAS Cricket Vs Barker

Saturday saw the much anticipated start of the CAS season with Trinity taking on Barker. Unfortunately the rain put a...

Basketball News | CAS Round 1 vs Barker

“Trinity open the CAS season with a win built on relentless defence.”  

1st V

Trinity began their CAS campaign with a hard...

From the Sportsmaster | Junior School

Last Saturday saw a return to IPSHA sport after a span of eight months, to the delight of boys and...

TGSACU – Awards to Senior Cadets

Our Cadet Unit recognised the outstanding achievements of five senior cadets this week during presentations at both Trinity and Meriden. Each...

Illawong Track Challenge

Saturday 12.2.22 The Ridge - Illawong

A small group of Trinity Athletics Club athletes braved the very wet conditions at the Ridge...

Caleb Dryer makes Australian open water swim team

Caleb Dryer not only won a swag of four gold medals at the NSW age swimming championships but went on...

How to report an absence from sport

Students are reminded of their responsibility to attend sport for all training sessions and each Saturday and the need to...