
News From the Field Studies Centre

The Field Studies Programme stepped up a gear in terms of the physical challenge element of the experience last week,...

Jaime Murcia, Semana Santa, Cartagena, Spain

Delmar Gallery’s Final Exhibition of 2022

Jaime Murcia, Semana Santa, Cartagena, Spain Delmar Gallery’s final exhibition for 2022 surveys Australian photojournalism of the last fifty years. Curated by...

Primary Multi Sport Clinic

The Trinity Grammar School holiday Tennis Clinic will be conducted at the Trinity Tennis Centre during the July Holiday period,...

Tennis Holiday Clinic 2022

The Trinity Grammar School holiday Tennis Clinic will be conducted at the Trinity Tennis Centre during the July Holiday period,...

Water Polo News


Last Saturday Trinity played a number of challenging matches against teams in higher grades....

In praise of perseverance

Remembrance Day oration underscores the example of Jesus The value of perseverance has been highlighted at the annual Remembrance Day service...

From the Head Master

At the heart, schools are communities. Schools gather people; staff and students in the first instance, but also families. This...

From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

Therefore, I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what...

Water Polo News


Last weekend Trinity travelled up the Pacific Highway to Wahroonga to play against strong CAS...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Student-led Conferences Tuesday evening was a brilliant celebration of learning as the vast majority of our students were joined by their...