
From the Head of the Preparatory School

It has been a very settled and positive first week back at School. It is always so energising having the...

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, Welcome back to all members of the School community for Term 2. We...

News from the Field Studies Centre

This week the School launched the second term-long residential Field Studies Programme (FSP) for 2022. The programme provides a platform...

Chaplaincy | Jonah

The power of a great story

Like most people, I love a good story. I love reading them, I love hearing...

Years K – 2 Mother’s Day Breakfast Picnic

One family’s century of service

One family has achieved a remarkable century of cumulative associations with Trinity - 33 years as students and more than...

Trinitarians perpetuate the ANZAC spirit

Trinitarians continue to carry the torch of ANZAC remembrance, both within the School and in the wider community, in Sydney...

Faith the only refuge for success “addicts”

Challenging message for high achievers

Australia is a country culturally addicted to achievement, and schools are the “crack house” of that...

From the Head Master

I often comment to friends, who work outside of education, about the breadth of activity that constitutes the experience of...