
From the Head of the Preparatory School

If the last 18 months has taught us anything, it is that it is unwise to assume anything. Just as...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

If the last 18 months has taught us anything, it is that it is unwise to assume anything. Just as...

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, I trust that today’s Learning Conferences and Interviews proved to be enjoyable and...

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, I trust that today’s Learning Conferences and Interviews proved to be enjoyable and...

Parent Resources

One of the many ways that the School partners with parents is to provide guidance and direction in areas such...

From the Head Master

During the week I came across a new concept that I am attempting to make use of in the interests...

From the Head of the Junior School

Dear Parents and Friends of the Junior School, What a dynamic day of scientific fun! It was wonderful to see so...

From the Head of the Preparatory School

Prep Olympics

Yesterday was the day that our community needed! A day of fun, healthy House spirit and competition and...

Term 3 Chapel Update!

“But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control; against such things...

From the Deputy Head Master – Summer Hill

Some time ago I came across an article in The Age, The four secret ingredients that can turn good schools...